Article title Ethics and Psychiatry – Bioethical Dilemmas in Involuntary Hospitalizations of the Mentally Ill
Name of magazine Scientific-practical journal
«Medical Law» Ukrainian language
Issue 2/2013
Сторінки [21-31]
Annotation Some bioethical dilemmas, which arise when solving the questions connected with involuntary hospitalization of the mentally ill persons, are elucidated. The correlation between the right to freedom and the right to free movement on the one hand and measures of involuntary hospitalization of the mentally ill persons on the other hand is highlighted. Peculiarities of the legal regulation of involuntary hospitalization in Israel are analyzed. Some bioethical dilemmas of involuntary hospitalization in terms of civil and criminal proceedings are elucidated. Attention is paid to the issues of the conflict of public interests and interests of a patient in the aspect of protection from dangerous consequences of the uncontrolled disease phenomena vis-à-vis the interests of the person who is suffering from mental disease and is granted the right to personal freedom and the right to free movement. Features of the legal regulation of involuntary hospitalization of persons in Israel are characterized. An accent is made on the problem of involuntary hospitalization of persons, who are suffering from emotional disturbance, personality disorder, or any other behavioural disorder which are not considered to be mental diseases.
Keywords ethics, psychiatry, bioethical dilemmas, right to personal freedom, involuntary hospitalization, emotional disturbance, court.