Article title Liability for Violation of the Personal Data Protection Legislation: Issues of Compliance of the Ukrainian Legislation with Requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Chair for the Theory of Law and Human Rights of the Ukrainian Catholic University Lawyer of the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg, France)


Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Director of the Law School  of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine)


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2/2019
Сторінки [237-255]

Legal aspects of personal data protection are becoming increasingly important from the practical as well as the doctrinal perspective. In the age where more and more opportunities are opened up for processing of information about us and our personal lives, the right to privacy needs a deeper rethinking, including in terms of liability for violation. Despite many publications highlighting various aspects of personal data protection over the recent years in Ukraine, the issues of liability for violation of the relevant standards are still practically unexplored in the national legal literature.

The purpose of the article is to make a comparative study of the mechanisms intended for making liable for violation of the legislation on privacy and personal data protection in Ukraine and in the European Union (EU) with a view to assessing their effectiveness, and also to identify the relevant problematic aspects and develop recommendations for further improvement of legal regulation in this area in Ukraine.

The author proves that the currently existing mechanism of making liable for violation of personal data protection standards in Ukraine is imperfect and inefficient and does not ensure that subjects of personal data are able to fully remedy their violated rights and that the authorized bodies are able to implement the protection measures properly. It is argued that the liability mechanism which has been in force in the EU since May 2018 takes proper account of the current privacy protection challenges at this stage and can serve as a benchmark for improving of the relevant mechanism in Ukraine.

With the aim of further developing the national legislation on liability for violation of personal data protection standards and making it consistent with the current EU standards, the author makes a well-substantiated proposal for amending the following areas of legal regulation: 1) to improve the definition of “personal data protection” and the list of actual grounds entailing the liability for violation of personal data protection standards; 2) to improve the provisions regulating administrative liability for violation of the relevant standards and the operation of the institutional liability system 3) to resolve the issues relating to court procedures of handling personal data processing violations; and 4) to strengthen the liability for failure to comply with the requirements of a supervisory authority. The author notes that these changes will contribute to a more efficient protection of violated rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens and will also facilitate further integration of Ukraine into the EU legal space.


Keywords right to privacy; personal data protection; personal data; liability for violation of personal data protection legislation; European Union; GDPR

List of legal documents



1. Kodeks Ukrainy pro administratyvni pravoporushennia [The Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 18 hrudnia 1984 r. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady URSR. 1984. № 40. St. 1122 (in Ukrainian).

2. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy [The Constitution of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 28 chervnia 1996 r. № 254k/96-VR. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 1996. № 30. St. 141 (in Ukrainian).

3. Konventsiia pro zakhyst prav liudyny i osnovopolozhnykh svobod [Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms] vid 4 lystopada 1950 r. <> (accessed: 12.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

4. Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Criminal Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 5 kvitnia 2001 r. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2001. № 25. St. 131 (in Ukrainian).

5. Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh zakonodavchykh aktiv Ukrainy shchodo posylennia vidpovidalnosti za porushennia zakonodavstva pro zakhyst personalnykh danykh [On Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine with Regard to Strengthening of Liability for Violation of the Personal Data Protection Legislation]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 2 chervnia 2011 r. № 3454-VI. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2011. № 49. St. 42 (in Ukrainian).

6. Pro zakhyst fizychnykh osib pry obrobtsi personalnykh danykh i pro vilne peremishchennia takykh danykh [On the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data]: Dyrektyva Yevropeiskoho Parlamentu i Rady ES [Directive of the European Parliament and of the EU Council] vid 24 zhovtnia 1995 r. № 95/46/YeS < show/994_242> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

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8. Pro zakhyst personalnykh danykh [On Personal Data Protection]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 1 chervnia 2010 r. № 2297-VI. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2010. № 49. St. 1604 (in Ukrainian).

9. Pro zatverdzhennia dokumentiv u sferi zakhystu personalnykh danykh [On Approval of Documents in the Sphere of Protection of Personal Data]: nakaz [Order] vid 8 sichnia 2014 r. №1/02-14. Balans. 2014. № 19. S. 5 (in Ukrainian).



10. Postanova Apeliatsiinoho sudu Kyivskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Court of Appeal of Kyiv Region] vid 7 kvitnia 2016 r. po spravi № 369/1458/17 < Review/65897756> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

11. Postanova Apeliatsiinoho sudu Luhanskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Court of Appeal of Luhansk Region ] vid 8 lystopada 2016 r. po spravi № 369/1458/17 <http://reyestr.court.> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

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13. Postanova Dniprovskoho raionnoho sudu m. Kyieva [Ruling of the Dniprovskyi District Court of Kyiv City] vid 15 kvitnia 2015 r. po spravi № 755/3821/15-p <http://reyestr.> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

14. Postanova Halytskoho raionnoho sudu Lvivskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Halytskyi District Court of Lviv Region] vid 3 kvitnia 2017 r. po spravi № 461/2021/17 <http://www.> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

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16. Postanova Horodyshchenskoho raionnoho sudu Cherkaskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Horodyshchenskyi District Court of Cherkasy Region] vid 27 lystopada 2018 r. po spravi № 691/1261/17 <> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

17. Postanova Ivano-Frankivskoho miskoho sudu Ivano-Frankivskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Court of Ivano-Frankivsk Region] vid 26 veresnia 2018 r. po spravi № 344/8443/17 <> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

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19. Postanova Kovpakivskoho raionnoho sudu m. Sumy [Ruling of the Kovpakivskyi District Court of Sumy Region] vid 7 lypnia 2015 r., provadzhennia № 3/592/1440/15 <> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

20. Postanova Kyievo-Sviatoshynskoho raionnoho sudu Kyivskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Kyivo-Sviatoshynskyi District Court of Kyiv Region] vid 2 bereznia 2017 r. po spravi № 369/1458/17 <> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

21. Postanova Moskovskoho raionnoho sudu mista Kharkova [Ruling of the Moskovskyi District Court of Kharkiv City] vid 4 travnia2017 r. po spravi № 643/3384/17 <http://> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

22. Postanova Obolonskoho raionnoho sudu mista Kyieva [Ruling of the Obolonskyi District Court of Kyiv City] vid 19 zhovtnia 2016 r. po spravi № 756/11255/16-p <http://> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

23. Postanova Podilskoho raionnoho sudu mista Kyieva [Ruling of the Podilskyi District Court of Kyiv City] vid 29 hrudnia 2018 r. po spravi № 758/4389/17 <http://reyestr.> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

24. Postanova Tatarbunarskoho raionnoho sudu Odeskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Tatarbunarskyi District Court of Odessa Region] vid 9 lypnia 2018 r. po spravi № 515/952/18 <> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

25. Postanova Zhovtnevoho raionnoho sudu mista Dnipropetrovska [Ruling of the Zhovtnevyi District Court of Dnipropetrovsk City] vid 14 veresnia 2017 r. po spravi № 201/12780/17-p <> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

26. Postanova Zhovtnevoho raionnoho sudu mista Maripolia [Ruling of the Zhovtnevy District Court of Mariupol] vid 11 travnia 2018 r. po spravi № 263/4314/18 <http://> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

27. Postanova Zhovtovodskoho miskoho sudu Dnipropetrovskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Zolotonosha City Court of Dnipropetrovsk Region] vid 31 zhovtnia 2016 r. po spravi № 176/2309/16-p <> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).

28. Postanova Zolochivskoho raionnoho sudu Lvivskoi oblasti [Ruling of the Zolochiv District Court of Lviv Region] vid 20 hrudnia 2016 r. po spravi № 445/2022/16-p <> (accessed: 26.01.2019) (in Ukrainian).



Authored books

29. Zhorzh M ta Satton H, Analiz Zakonu Ukrainy pro zakhyst personalnykh danykh: DGI/ DP/expertiseUKR [Analysis of the Law of Ukraine on Personal Data Protection: DGI/ DP/ expertiseUKR] (Rada Yevropy 2012) (in Ukrainian).

30. Bem M ta inshi, Zakhyst personalnykh danykh: pravove rehuliuvannia ta praktychni aspekty: naukovo-praktychnyi posibnyk [Personal Data Protection: Legal Regulation and Practical Aspects: Scientific and Practical Guide] (K.I.S. 2015) (in Ukrainian).

31. Bryzhko V ta Radianska A ta Shvets M, Porivnialno-pravove doslidzhennia vidpovidnosti zakonodavstva Ukrainy zakonodavstvu YeS u sferi personalnykh danykh [Comparative Legal Study of Ukraine’s Legislation Consistency with the EU Personal Data Legislation] (Triumf 2006) (in Ukrainian).


Editer books

32. Horodyskyi I, ‘Vykonannia Ukrainoiu mizhnarodnykh zoboviazan iz zakhystu personalnykh danykh’ [‘Ukraine’s Compliance with International Commitments of Personal Data Protection’] v Intehratsiia Ukrainy v Yevropeiske informatsiine suspilstvo: vyklyky ta zavdannia [Integration of Ukraine into the European Information Society: Challenges and Objectives] (FOP Klymenko 2014) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

33. Pohrebna A, ‘Komentar do Zakonu Ukrainy “Pro zakhyst personalnykh danykh”’ [‘Commentary on the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”’] (2010) 7 Yurydychnyi zhurnal (in Ukrainian).

34. Romaniuk I, ‘Osoblyvosti zmistu ta realizatsii prava na personalni dani v Ukraini ta zarubizhnykh krainakh’ [‘Specific Aspects of the Content and Implementation of the Right to Personal Data in Ukraine and Foreign Countries’] (2013) 2 Visnyk KNU imeni T. Shevchenka. Yurydychni nauky (in Ukrainian).



35. Paziuk Andrii, ‘Mizhnarodno-pravovyi zakhyst prava liudyny na pryvatnist personifikovanoi informatsii’ [‘International Legal Protection of the Human Right to Privacy of Personified Information’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Kyiv nats un-t im T Shevchenka 2014) (in Ukrainian).


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