Article title Principles of Civil Law
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7/2017
Сторінки [67-75]

The article points out that not only the subject matter, the method and the functions are those factors that characterize civil law as a branch of private law, but the principles (of which the non-exhausted list is contained in Art. 3 of Civil Code of Ukraine) as well. The following principles of civil law are analyzed: the principle of legal equality, freedom of will expression, property independence of participants to civil relations; the prohibition of arbitrary interference in the sphere of personal life of a person; prohibition of deprivation of ownership; freedom of contract and freedom of entrepreneurship; judicial protection of civil rights and interests, the principle of justice, good faith and reasonableness.

Keywords basic principles of civil law, subject matter of civil law, method of legal regulation, functions of civil law.