Article title Additions to Writing a Constitutional Text
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6/2016
Сторінки [20-34]

In the article, within the general theme of ecology of language, the issues of purity of Ukrainian language in the text of the Ukrainian Constitution and its compatibility with the standard of the Ukrainian language are raised. The shortcomings of the text in this context are presented in the light of an expert opinion of the Ukrainian Commission on Legal Terminology as of 24 February 1996. The results of review on compatibility of the language in the Ukrainian Constitution in force with the norms of the Ukrainian language as well as the results of a new attempt to unify legal terminology and to normalize it in the Law of Ukraine «About modification of the Constitution of Ukraine (concerning justice)» are exposed.

Keywords Constitution of Ukraine, ecology of language, legal language, Ukrainian legal terminology, standard of Ukrainian language.