Article title Child Security and Protection in Modern Law: A Psychologist’s Perspective
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10/2013
Сторінки [152-159]
Annotation The article is focused on family values as the foundation of healthy child development, and foundation for building a pro­social and democratic society that is secured in the Family Code of Ukraine. In situations where a child is orphaned, legal and protective actions should take into account the continuity of emotional ties of the child, the privacy of her or his life and the preservation of genetic connection to her or his blood family. Patronage of children is considered in the Family Code to be the best form of foster care. The term «replacement family» refers to a situation where a child grows up in a family where he or she has no genetic relationship, which is represented by one private form of care (adoption) and four state forms (foster care and foster family, custody/guardianship of relatives, family­type orphanage). The development of substitute care for children is considered to be an integral part of the family’s well­being. The author’s model of social welfare reveals cyclical mechanisms to maintain healthy development of the child in the family.
Keywords foster care, patronage of children, the Family Code, family values, cycles of orphan care, healthy development and family welfare.