Article title Information as an Object of Civil Rights: Concept, Methodology, Legal Nature
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1/2015
Сторінки [107-115]
Annotation The article is dedicated to theoretical issues of the definition of information as an object of civil rights. The terminology in the field of information relations is studied. The concepts of methodology of legal regulation of information relations are outlined. Given the legal doctrine? the concept of regulation the information relations with intellectual property relations as an integral part thereof is analyzed in the article. The author concludes that information relations are subject to general provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine, as well as norms of civil legislation. Given the research? the author states that information always deals with intellectual activity and may be expressed in any form perceived by a person directly or via technical means. As a result of intellectual activity, information can exist both as an independent item, and product of creative activity protected by intellectual property law.
Keywords information, information relations, product of intellectual activity, information, data, intellectual property, information legislation.