Article title Human Rights and Methodology of Their Study via Semiotic Legal Approach
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2/2015
Сторінки [46-51]
Annotation Levels of methodology of research of human rights are determined, key methodological principles and perspectives in theoretical studies of this problem are examined in the article. The paper shows methodological meaning of semiotics of law for the development of modern theory of human rights and possibilities of using semiotic legal approach as paradigmatic one in theoretical and methodological basis for human rights research. The development of semiotic legal methodology is stated to enrich philosophy of law with the new knowledge of functioning principles of different legal system elements and interactions between main forms of human rights reflection as an integral sign construction in the legal reality.
Keywords human rights, philosophy of law, anthropology of law, semiotics of law, methodology, methodological pluralism, sign system.