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Article Contemporary Stage of Council of Europe Reform
Kresin O.
Name of magazine Scientific-practical professional journal «European Law» (Ukrainian language)
Issue 1 / 2012
Pages 138 - 153
Annotation In the article aspects of Council of Europe character, role and functions are analyzed in the context of correlation of the competency spheres of this organization and European Union. The author traces the development of this problematic in the relations of CE and EU. Character of reform that lasts for two years is analyzed. The author underlines the loose by CE of the character of organization universal by its competencies and its fictionalization. He strikes attention on the possible consequences of reform for the legal systems of CE member states that are not members of EU, proposing some parameters of position that Ukraine can form towards this process.
Keywords European law, law of Council of Europe, European Union, regional international organizations, sphere of competence of international organization, character of international organization.
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