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Article Cyberspace and Cybercrime: Attempt of Postclassical Interpretations
Authors Voychyshyn V.
Name of magazine Scientific journal «Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law» (Ukrainian language)
Issue 1-2 / 2015
Pages 400 - 408

A cyberspace and a cybercrime, acquiring new interpretations by the

means of postclassical methodology, namely fundamental ontology of M. Heidegger,

are analyzed in the article. A cyberspace is understood as a result of «Ent-fernung», that

means the difference between «I» and «you» which cannot be overcomed, and thus this

difference remains on a virtual level. A cybercrime is presented as a direct violation of

possibilities of the Other by limiting his external freedom to act in the cyberspace

according to his existential status.

Keywords cyberspace, cybercrime, legal situation, legal space, simulacrum, virtual communication.
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