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Article The Rule of Law
<span style='Border-Width: thin; Border-Style: solid; '>Dworkin R.</span>
Name of magazine Scientific journal «Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law» (Ukrainian language)
Issue 1 / 2013
Pages 15 - 23
Annotation Keynote speech at the conference on «The rule of law as a practical concept», 2 March 2012, held by Venice commission. With the examples of approaches presented by J. Raz and Lord Binghem, the difference in the rule of law understanding is demonstrated. It depends on answer, what the concept of individual dignity demands — fair warning or egalitarian integrity. The focus made upon moral compound of argumentation in legal-philosophical discourse. It is proved that our opinion about the nature of lawdepends on the more fundamental question what we should take the Rule of Law to be.
Keywords rule of law, positivism, interpretivism, human dignity, political legitimacy.
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