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Article Implementation of the International Law Norms in Constitutional Law Order of Ukraine
Buromenskiy M.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Russian version)
Issue 3-4 / 2012
Pages 78 - 97
Annotation In the article the features of establishing and development of the Ukrainian legislation concerning correlation and interrelation of international and Ukrainian law and relevant practice are analyzed. Special attention is given to interpretation of the article 9 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which determines the terms of norms usage of the ratified international agreements in inner law order. The author also pays attention to multiplicity of the law regulations, which are establishing the order of implementation of other international conventions of Ukraine in inner law order. One of the first in he’s field of study, the author examines the implementation of generally accepted and common law norms of the international public law in inner law order of Ukraine. In connection to this the role of the national law model of domestic and international law correlation is analyzed. The question about the place and meaning of judicial implementation of the norms of international conventions of Ukraine is raised.
Keywords international law, Ukrainian law, law regulations, Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine, international conventions.
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