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Article Methodology of Law-cognition by Eugen Ehrlich: Nonclassical Paradigm
Patsurkivskyi P., Havryliuk R.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2012
Pages 383 - 391
Annotation Historical and scientific pre-conditions of appearance of the conception of «living right» by Eugen Ehrlich and essence of his methodological approach to law-cognition and its typological belonging are revealed from the positions of the systems approach to law-cognition and structural-functional analysis. The conclusion is that Eugen Ehrlich is a forerunner of the opening of the principle of a completeness of ontological essence of the objects of cognition of nonclassical type of scientific rationality.
Keywords «living right», «ontological pluralism», principle of completeness, methodological pluralism, criteria and standards of scientific character, nonclassical paradigm.
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