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Article The Value of Administrative Liability in the System of Information Security Measures
Perun T.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2017
Pages 202 - 209

The article analyzes the legislative provision of administrative responsibility in the field of information security. The rules of Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, which establish responsibility for administrative violations in the field of information security, are described. Taking into account the blanket nature of these norms, the legislative acts regulating public relations in the field of information are analyzed. Specific proposals to legislation on improving administrative responsibility in the field of information security are provided. The imperfection of Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses norms, which manifests itself in the lack of administrative and legal norms coverage of the entirety of social relations in the field of information, is indicated. The structure and non-systematized order of administrative and legal norms in the field of information security is shown to be a significant

shortcoming in the qualification of the offenses in the field of information.

Keywords administrative responsibility, administrative offense, information, information security, Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses
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