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Article The Idea of a Constitutional State in the Strategy of Statebuilding in the Era of the Ukrainian People’s Republic
Miroshnychenko M.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 11 / 2017
Pages 48 - 57

The article deals with the historical-theoretical analysis of the features of a promising constitutional process during the period of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (1917–1920). This is in particular about the experience of building a constitutional state, the relevance today evident in view of preparation of the Concept of amendments to the current Constitution of Ukraine. The attention is focused on the essence of the constitutional state, the necessity and importance of constitution of the natural law of the sovereign on the implementation of the constituent power with clearly defined conditions for access to power, which is the basic and primary condition for the establishment of the constitutional system.

Keywords constitutional state, prospective constitutional process, the natural law of the people is sovereign, constituent power, constitutional order
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