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Article Structural Analysis of Environmental Crime in Ukraine
Turlova Yu.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2017
Pages 139 - 147

The article presents a structural analysis of environmental crime over the period 2002–2016 based on data from official statistical sources. Proceeding from the author's original classification of environmental  crimes  into  those  having a general and a local object of the offense, relative indices of crimes from each category and their quantitative relationships to total environmental crime have been estimated. It is found that the most common crimes against the environment in general are nuclear, radiation safety crimes and crimes related to environmental safety. Overall, offenses of this category account for 1.9 % in the environmental crime structure.The analysis of crimes with a local object of the offense has established the most common types of environmental crimes, which include crimes of flora protection, crimes of fauna protection and crimes of mineral resources protection. The proportion of these crime categories in the general environmental crime structure is estimated to account for 44,1 %, 27,7 % and 18,6 %, respectively. Each environmental crime category is given respective criminological characteristics, with relevant examples from law enforcement practice. The author arrives at the conclusion that the structural analysis of environmental crime provides the basis for development and implementation of measures to prevent crimes of this category, as well as adequate legislative, law enforcement, administrative and other measures of combating environmental crime.

Keywords environmental crime, structure, analysis, indicators, specific gravity
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