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Article Jurisdiction of Economic Courts
Bobkova А., Novoshytska V.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2017
Pages 83 - 93

The article studied the problem issues of the determination of the jurisdiction of commercial courts that arise today during judicial proceedings and which are not resolved in the draft Commercial Procedure Code of Ukraine. Analyzed the issue of proceedings on the recognition and enforcement of international arbitration, foreign courts in commercial disputes and proposed expansion of jurisdiction of commercial courts by referring such cases to their jurisdiction. The question of delimitation of economic and administrative jurisdiction over land disputes when the parties to such disputes are economic entities and an authority. Examined the issue of assigning to the jurisdiction of commercial courts cases concerning the interpretation of the content of the transaction, on the basis of which it is proposed to clarify the provisions of the draft Commercial Procedure Code of Ukraine on these issues.

Keywords Commercial Court, economic justice, jurisdiction, delimitation of jurisdiction, within jurisdiction
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