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Article The Fundamental Principles of Civil Court Procedure


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2018
Pages 14 - 49

The principles of civil court procedure constitute the most generalized and fundamental category of the science of civil procedural law, along with such ones as the goal and objectives of the civil process, the subject matter and the method of civil procedural law, relations under civil procedural law etc. It is symptomatic that intensive studies of these principles were made during the periods involving codifications of the procedural legislation, as well as the post-codification periods. This occurred in the 60s of the past century, and in the 2000s. A rather extensive scope of specialized literature focused on this issue allows getting an idea of the current state of the theory of civil court procedure principles and its practical significance. In this regard, it should be noted that the theoretical concepts underlying the theory of civil procedural law principles way back in the 1960s have remained almost unchanged. At the same time, the constitutional reform implemented in the area of justice and the related institutions laid the foundations for modernization of the civil procedural legislation entailing the adoption of the new version of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine (CCP) which rests upon the general European trends in civil court procedure and the idea of ensuring everyone’s right to a fair trial and access to justice. As one of the most far-reaching consequences of the constitutional reform and the amendments to the civil procedural legislation we should mention the establishment of the new Supreme Court as a court of cassation, which, among other things, is made responsible for ensuring the unity of court practice and, consequently, high standards of justice. Given this, it becomes clear that modern civil court procedure and law application at court should comply with the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950 (ECHR) and ensure access to justice, and the institutions of justice and court procedure should be improved in line with the challenges of modern society and also with due regard for such an obvious civilizational fact as fundamentalization of human rights and the efficiency of justice. At the same time, there are indications that the civil procedural law doctrine is oblivious to the principles of civil court procedure which are fundamental and determine a certain discourse of scientific research and the dimensions of modern civil court procedure in democratic societies, and which are, in a way, a benchmark of the rule of law. They have a specific legal nature and are regarded as a certain explication of the generally recognized provisions and principles of international law, i.e. imperative provisions of international law which are accepted and recognized by the international community of States as a whole and which may not be deviated from. They are characterized by a supranational nature and are entrenched in international legal instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It is also important that these principles are applied in the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. Therefore, a further development of the theory of civil procedural law principles should be aimed at studying the profound regularities and trends of changes in the qualitative characteristics of legal regulation of civil court procedure, which historically form the foundations of various systems of legal comprehension and predetermine the shaping of a new worldview, i.e. the vision of justice and the functions of courts as bodies of the judicial power which in democratic societies should ensure the priority of human rights, the rule of law, and a new level of legal practice in general. Their further scientific elaboration and implementation into the practice of application at court will contribute to the socialization of the civil process and to the identification through the prism of new social and legal realities of the functioning of justice which are determined by the need for the assurance of human rights and the rule of law. The article studies the legal nature and the catalogue of the fundamental principles of civil court procedure based on the subsidiary importance for law application at court, and offers their phenomenological interpretation.

Keywords generally recognized provisions and principles of international law, fundamental principles of the civil court procedure, the rule of law principle, principle of the rule of human rights, the legal certainty principle, the proportionality principle

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