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Article Supreme Court: Powers of the Grand Chamber and the Civil Court of Cassation for Ensuring the Cohesion of Court Practice


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2018
Pages 86 - 101

The procedure ensuring the unity of court practice, namely proceedings in a case by the chamber, the joint chamber of the cassation court or the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court (GC SC) is of major importance among the numerous novels of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine (CCP of Ukraine). Mostly according to it proceedings are conducted in the cases which are submitted to the cassation courts within the framework of the Supreme Court (SC) and which form the court practice. At the same time, after the new Supreme Court has been established, the court practice is being developed not from scratch, which means that judges may not bypass the legal positions expressed by the Supreme Court of Ukraine (SCU), since according to Article 3607 of the CCP of Ukraine of 2004, the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine on the application of the provisions of law should be taken into account by other courts of general jurisdiction when they use such provisions of law. In this regard, cl. 7 of the Transitional Provisions of the new CCP of Ukraine prescribes that a court conducting cassation proceedings in a case by the panel of judges or the chamber (joint chamber) shall refer the case to the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court, if such a panel or chamber (joint chamber) deems it necessary to vary from the opinion on the application of the provision of law in similar legal relations set forth in an earlier decision of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. It is not an imperfection of procedural rules that the legislator has granted such a right only to the court of cassation, but rather a mechanism meant to ensure the unity of court practice with a view to turning the positions of court into its reliable “pillars” and sources contributing to predictability of adjudication of certain categories of cases. This is only one form of ensuring the unity of court practice and the exercise of procedural powers by the Civil Court of Cassation within the Supreme Court (CCC SC) and GC SC. Irrespective that GC SC and CCC SC are the component parts of the Supreme Court, GC SC has no authority to review or otherwise interfere with the operation of cassation courts comprising the SC. Moreover, the provisions of the CCP of Ukraine also prescribe other mechanisms of binding procedural interaction of these judicial bodies within the SC with a view to ensuring the unity of court practice. The purpose of the article is to analyze the procedural powers of GC SC and CCC SC which are meant to ensure the unity of court practice, and also to identify the areas of concern and the ways of resolving thereof.

Keywords Верховний Суд; Велика Палата; цивільне судочинство; касаційне провадження; процесуальні повноваження; судова практика; єдність судової практики

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