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Article On the Supreme Court’s Practice of Application of the Minor Case Institute at the Cassation Review Stage


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2018
Pages 102 - 113

Among the numerous novels of the new Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine (CCP of Ukraine) characterized by certain difficulty of law application, of particular interest is the so-called institute of “minor cases” which has never been typical for the court practice. However, it is crucial to understand it correctly, primarily because courts of all levels should apply it at all stages of the civil process (and independently of each other), including the court of cassation, which is the Supreme Court. As it is known, one of the priorities during the reform of procedural legislation was reasonable simplification, efficiency and differentiation of the process, including the cassation procedure. It is no secret that the problem of cassation review, namely an utter overload firstly of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and subsequently of the courts of cassation, stemmed from the so-called universality of cassation appeal exceeding the boundaries of the weighted need for the cassation court to perform the task of ensuring the correct and uniform application by courts of the provisions of substantive and procedural law, and unavailability of any filters of cassation review. At the same time, the earlier order (procedure) of the cassation proceedings was inconsistent with the mission of the supreme judicial body of the State as the body meant to ensure the correct and uniform application of the provisions of substantive and procedural law by courts, since actually it has been equalized in powers with local and appellate courts, because at the cassation level the court, along with having to adjudicate any case on the merits, also had to decide on the procedural issues not directly relevant to the subject matter of the dispute. It is for this reason that there was a need for optimization of the procedures of cassation appeal against legally binding court decisions through the introduction of a system of “filters” and the procedure of admission of a cassation appeal to review by a court of cassation, and also for fitting the powers of the cassation court within reasonable limits. The purpose of the article is to analyze whether it is efficient at the cassation review stage to apply such a novel of civil procedural law as refusal to open cassation proceedings owing to submission of a cassation appeal against court decisions in minor cases, and also to identify the areas of concern in law application and the ways to solve them. 

Keywords court; civil court procedure; cassation proceedings; simplified litigation; minor cases; cases of minor complexity

List of legal documents
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Authored books
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Edited books
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Journal articles
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