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Article On Ensuring the Development of the Efficient, Independent Judiciary of Ukraine. A Moral Aspect of a Judge’s Professional Activity in Ukraine


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2018
Pages 185 - 197

The article studies the issues of ensuring the development of an efficient, independent judiciary of Ukraine. The author focuses on the underexamined concept of judicial stress, and on the need for support of moral norms on the part of law. The article proposes to entrench in the Ukrainian legislation the specific and detailed requirements and criteria which would allow providing a professional assessment of a judge’s ability to perform professional duties efficiently, given his/her professional and personal abilities, throughout the entire tenure, and this would facilitate an increase of confidence in the judiciary. The purpose of the article is to highlight the importance and relevance of a research into the legislative entrenchment of the moral and ethical bases of a judge’s professional activity in the course of ensuring the development of the efficient and independent judiciary of Ukraine. The profession of a judge is one of the most multicomponent and complex legal professions. In his/her professional activities, a judge uses many special personal qualities, skills and abilities which make up a respective system and comprise the structure of a judge’s personality, thus, on its part, forming and determining a judge’s creative potential and individual style of professional activity. Participants to the trial, as well as other persons present in the courtroom, undoubtedly feel a respective emotional impact, but it should also be noted that such participants of the process as a judge, prosecutor and defense lawyer experience the full burden of both moral and professional stress. Nervous overload is often exacerbated by a disturbance of the usual mode of life and decreased time available for personal rest, and all together this can lead to the development of emotional instability and may be manifested in a decreased communicative competence. The author concludes that it is advisable to note the complex nature of the issue of efficient “life” of the judiciary in Ukraine, given the existing issues amidst the judges themselves and inside of their environment. We should not forget that a judge is primarily a human being staying in a certain space and time, who is influenced, in particular, by social and financial factors. A judge may be subjected to pressure in any form, and in such a case the main thing is the ability to resist, to respond adequately, to have a real mechanism of protecting him-/herself and the family members. This issue should not be raised, so to speak, following the fact; it should be of a preventive nature. A person’s ability to withstand life and professional tension should be also checked at the time when the decision is made to appoint a candidate for the position of a judge and also as long as a judge exercises his/her professional authority. The level of people’s trust in the State power determines the level of society’s democratization, its attitude towards such concepts as patriotism, loyalty, unity around common national ideas and goals, aspiration to build a united and indivisible State which is able to guarantee its citizens well-being and prosperity. 

Keywords the judiciary; judge; professional selection; morality; occupational aptitude; judicial stress; legal culture

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