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Article Constitutional Complaint and Individual Application to the European Court of Human Rights as Legal Guarantees of Human Rights in Ukraine


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2018
Pages 178 - 196

Introduction of the constitutional complaint in Ukraine has entailed a range of issues of concern which are actively discussed by scientists and practitioners. Many of these issues are focused on how the constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) as one of the national legal guarantees of rights and freedoms correlates to such a European legal guarantee of fundamental human rights and freedoms as the individual application to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

The author believes than an analysis of this issue is relevant in scientific as well as in practical terms. The purpose of the article is to make a comparative analysis of the constitutional complaint to CCU and the individual application to ECtHR with a view to identifying the prospects for improvement of this national legal guarantee of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine.

In the course of the comparative analysis of the constitutional complaint to CCU and the individual application to ECtHR, which aims at identifying the prospects for improvement of this national legal guarantee of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine, the author focuses on the following issues and makes the following generalizations: a) normative basis for applications (currently it is sufficient for introduction of the constitutional complaint); b) subsidiarity of both legal guarantees of human rights and freedoms does not undermine their significance; c) admissibility criteria (except for greater clarity, as compared with the admissibility criteria applied by ECHR to individual applications, a positive feature of the criteria applied by CCU to constitutional complaints is their flexibility, for example, as an exception, if the Court sees the need to consider a claim in view of public interest, the constitutional complaint may be admitted for consideration even if it is not fully consistent with the admissibility terms); d) subject matter of the application (it is recommended to gradually expand the range of issues constituting the subject matter of the constitutional complaint to CCU); e) subjects of the right to application (the author notes that the ap proach is positive since according to it the legislation defines the range of these subjects “from the opposite” thus reducing the possibility of its artificial narrowing); f) preliminary check by the form (based on the available statistics on the reasons for dismissal of constitutional complaints and the ECHR Rules, it is recommended to provide CCU with the opportunity to admit for consideration certain constitutional complaints which do not fully meet all of the formal requirements applied thereto); g) case consideration term (the author gives a positive assessment to the advantage of the constitutional complaint over the individual application under a limited time available); h) the impact which a decision in the case has on the legislation of Ukraine (the author gives a high estimate to the fact that the CCU decision made after considering the case based on the constitutional complaint has its effect on the legislation of Ukraine immediately after the decision enters into force).

Keywords constitutional complaint, constitutional control; Constitutional Court of Ukraine; European Court of Human Rights; human rights

List of legal documents 

1. Konventsiia pro zakhyst prav liudyny i osnovopolozhnykh svobod [Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms] vid 4 lystopada 1950 r. URL: (accessed: 16.08.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
2. Pro Konstytutsiinyi Sud Ukrainy [On Constitutional Court of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 13 lypnia 2017 r. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2017. № 35. St. 376 (in Ukrainian). 
3. Pro ratyfikatsiiu Konventsii pro zakhyst prav liudyny i osnovopolozhnykh svobod 1950 roku, Pershoho protokolu ta protokoliv № 2, 3, 7 ta 11 do Konventsii [On Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950, Protocols 1, 2, 3, 7 and 11’s Ratification]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 17 chervnia 1997 r. URL: (accessed: 16.08.2018) (in Ukrainian).
4. Pro vnesennia zmin do Konstytutsii Ukrainy (shchodo pravosuddia) [On Amending the Constitution of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 2 chervnia 2016 r. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2016. № 28. St. 532 (in Ukrainian). 
5. Pro vykonannia rishen ta zastosuvannia praktyky Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny [On the European Court of Human Rights’ Decisions’ Fullfillment]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 23 liutoho 2006 r. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2006. № 30. St. 260 (in Ukrainian). 
6. Rehlament Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Rules of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 22 liutoho 2018 r. URL: 18 (accessed: 16.08.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
7. Rehlament Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny (vytiah) [Rules of the European Court of Human Rights, Extract]. URL: pdf (accessed: 16.08.2018) (in Ukrainian). 

8. Rishennia Yevropeiskoho Sudu z prav liudyny u spravi Koretskyi ta inshi proty Ukrainy [Decision of the European Court of Human Rights, Koretskyi and others v Ukraine] vid 3 kvitnia 2008 r. URL: html (accessed: 16.08.2018) (in Ukrainian). 

Authored books 
9. Hultai M, Konstytutsiina skarha u mekhanizmi dostupu do konstytutsiinoho pravosuddia [Constitutional Complaint in the Mechanism of Access to Constitutional Justice] (Pravo 2013) (in Ukrainian). 
10. Praktychnyi posibnyk shchodo pryiniatnosti zaiav [Admissibility Guide] accessed 16 August 2018 (in Ukrainian). 
11. Vasha zaiava do YeSPL: yak podaty zaiavu i yakoiu bude protsedura yii rozghliadu [Your Application to the ECHR: How to Submit and the Procedure] accessed 16 August 2018 (in Ukrainian). 

Edited books 
12. Baimuratov M, ‘Detsentralizatsiia v unitarnykh derzhavakh: mizhnarodni standarty ta yevropeiskyi dosvid’ [‘Decentralization in Unitary States: International Standards and European Experience. Decentralization in Ukraine: Legislative Novations and Expectations of Society’] v Detsentralizatsiia v Ukraini: zakonodavchi novatsii ta suspilni spodivannia [Decentralization in Ukraine: legislative innovations and public expectations] (Instytut zakonodavstva Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy 2015) (in Ukrainian). 
13. Kyrychenko Yu (red), Analitychnyi zvit shchodo zaprovadzhennia instytutu konstytutsiinoi skarhy [Analytical Report on the Introduction of the Institute of Constitutional Complaint] (FOP Moskalenko O. M. 2018) (in Ukrainian). 
14. Petryshyn O ta inshi (za zah red), Problemy ta perspektyvy zaprovadzhennia indyvidualnoi konstytutsiinoi skarhy v Ukraini [Challenges and Prospects of Introduction of the Individual Constitutional Complaint in Ukraine] (Atika-N 2010) (in Ukrainian). 

Journal articles 
15. Deshko L і Berko A, ‘Institut konstitucionnoj zhaloby v Ukraine: byt’ ili ne byt’?’ [‘‘Institute of Constitutional Complaint in Ukraine: To Be Or Not To Be?’] (2013) 8/2 Zakon i zhizn’ 35-37 (in Russian).
16. Hultai M, ‘Instytut konstytutsiinoi skarhy v konstytutsiiakh yevropeiskykh derzhav’ [‘Institute of Constitutional Complaint in the Constitutions of European States’] (2012) 2 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 130-139 (in Ukrainian). 
17. – –, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha yak instytut konstytutsiinoho prava’ [‘Constitutional Complaint as an Institute of Constitutional Law’] (2012) 1 Slovo Natsionalnoi shkoly suddiv Ukrainy 111-120 (in Ukrainian). 
18. – –, ‘Povna chy normatyvna konstytutsiina skarha: poshuk natsionalnoi modeli’ [‘Full or Normative Constitutional Complaint: Searching for a National Model’] (2013) 1 Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 24-33 (in Ukrainian). 
19. – –, ‘Rol yevropeiskykh standartiv pravozakhystu u konstytutsiinomu sudochynstvi Ukrainy’ [‘Role of the European Human Rights Protection Standards in the Constitutional Proceedings of Ukraine’] (2012) 3 Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 54-66 (in Ukrainian). 
20. Husarov K, ‘Vplyv konstytutsiinoi skarhy na ostatochnist sudovoho rishennia ta vycherpannia natsionalnykh zasobiv yurydychnoho zakhystu u tsyvilnomu protsesi’ [‘Impact of the Constitutional Complaint on the Finality of a Court Decision and the Exhaustion of National Legal Remedies in Civil Proceedings’] (2017) 1 Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 120-129 (in Ukrainian). 
21. Kuznetsova Yu, ‘Instytut konstytutsiinoi skarhy: teoretychni aspekty problemy’ [‘Institute of Constitutional Complaint: Theoretical Aspects of the Issue’] (2013) 4 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 91-101 (in Ukrainian). 
22. Lemak V ta Petryshyn O, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha v Ukraini: problemy mekhanizmu vprovadzhennia’ [‘Constitutional Complaint in Ukraine: Implementation Mechanism Issues’] (2017) 2 Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 79-88 (in Ukrainian).
23. Mishyna N, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha v Ukraini: mozhlyvosti vykorystannia dosvidu SShA’ [‘Constitutional Complaint in Ukraine: Possibilities of Using the US Experience’] (2013) 1-2 Pravo SShA 258-266 (in Ukrainian). 
24. Rabinovych P, ‘Praktyka Strasburhskoho sudu yak oriientyr diialnosti konstytutsiinykh sudiv z implementatsii yevropeiskykh standartiv prav liudyny’ [‘The Strasbourg Court Case Law as a Benchmark for Operation of Constitutional Courts With a View to Implementing the European Human Rights Standards’] (2005) 6 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 34-40 (in Ukrainian). 
25. Savchyn M, ‘Suchasnyi stan konstytutsionalizmu: problemy spivvidnoshennia demokratii ta derzhavnoho suverenitetu’ [‘Current State of Constitutionalism: Issues of Democracy and State Sovereignty Correlation’] (2011) 3 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 31-40 (in Ukrainian). 
26. Savenko M, ‘Rol praktyky Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny u konstytutsiinomu sudochynstvi Ukrainy’ [‘Role of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights in the Constitutional Proceedings of Ukraine’] (2005) 6 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 51-55 (in Ukrainian). 
27. Selivanov A ta Yevhrafov P, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha hromadian v realiiakh suchasnosti’ [‘Constitutional Complaint of Citizens in the Context of Modern Realities’] (2003) 4 Pravo Ukrainy 80-85 (in Ukrainian). 
28. Shapoval V, ‘Sud yak orhan konstytutsiinoho kontroliu (iz zarubizhnoho dosvidu)’ [‘The Court as a Body of Constitutional Control (from Foreign Experience)’] (2005) 6 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 20-33 (in Ukrainian). 

Conference papers 
29. Hultai M, ‘Vplyv praktyky Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny na zdiisnennia konstytutsiinoho sudochynstva: shliakhy optymizatsii’ [‘Impact of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights on the Implementation of the Constitutional Proceedings: Ways of Optimization’] v Pravove zabezpechennia efektyvnoho vykonannia rishen i zastosuvannia praktyky Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny: zb. nauk. ct. Mizhnar. nauk. prakt. konf. (m. Odesa, 15 veresnia 2012 r.) [Legal Support of Efficient Implementation of Judgments and Application of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights: Collected Scientific Articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Odessa, September 15, 2012)] (Feniks 2012) 311-324 (in Ukrainian). 
30. Khrystova H, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha yak natsionalnyi “filtr” sprav na shliakhu do Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny’ [‘Constitutional Complaint as the National Way to the European Court of Human Rights’] v Materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii z pytan zaprovadzhennia konstytutsiinoi skarhy v Ukraini: zbirka tez (m. Kyiv, 18 hrudnia 2015 r.) [Materials of International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Constitutional Complaint’s Introduction in Ukraine Issues: Abstracts of the reports (Kyiv, December 18, 2015)] (Vaite 2016) 89-97 (in Ukrainian). 
31. Savenko M, ‘Orhanizatsiini ta protsesualni pytannia zaprovadzhennia konstytutsiinoi skarhy v Ukraini’ [‘Organizational and Procedural Issues of Introducing the Constitutional Complaint in Ukraine’] v Materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii z pytan zaprovadzhennia konstytutsiinoi skarhy v Ukraini: zbirka tez (m. Kyiv, 18 hrudnia 2015 r.) [Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on the Introduction of the Constitutional Complaint in Ukraine: Collected Theses (Kyiv, December 18, 2015)] (Vaite 2016) 79-88 (in Ukrainian). 

32. ‘Interv’iu suddi KSU Stanislava Shevchuka shchotyzhnevyku “Zakon i biznes” № 48, 26 lystopada – 2 hrudnia 2016 r.’ [‘Head of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine’s Chairman Stanislav Shevchuk to the Weekly Newspaper ‘Law and Bussiness’, № 48, November, 26 – December, 2, 2016’] (Konstytutsiinyi Sud Ukrainy, 2018) accessed 16 August 2018 (in Ukrainian). 
33. ‘Issledovanie o prjamom dostupe k konstitucionnomu pravosudiju. Venecianskaja komissija “Za demokratiju cherez pravo”’ [‘Study on Individual Access to Constitutional Justice. Adopted by the Venice Commission’] CDL-AD(2010)039rev accessed 16 August 2018 (in Russian). 
34. ‘Konstytutsiina skarha zakhystyt liudynu vid svavillia zakoniv, – Holova KSU Stanislav Shevchuk’ [‘Constitutional Complaint Will Protect an Individual from the Arbitrariness of Laws, – CCU Chairman Stanislav Shevchuk’] accessed 16 August 2018 (in Ukrainian). 
35. Kryzhovyi D, ‘My ydemo svoim shliakhom…’ [‘We Go Our Way’] (Zakon i biznes, № 35 (1333) 16.09—22.09.2017) accessed 16 August 2018 (in Ukrainian). 
36. Sharov D, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha: ostannia statystyka ta nedoliky pid chas podannia’ [‘Constitutional Complaint: Latest Statistics and Drawbacks while Submitting’] (Ukrainske pravo, 4 chervnia 2018) accessed 16 August 2018 (in Ukrainian).
37. Shynkarenko O, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha: yak zapratsiuie tsei mekhanizm?’ [‘Constitutional Complaint: When the Mechanism will Start to Work?’] (Tsentr informatsii pro prava liudyny, 17 serpnia 2017) accessed 16 August 2018 (in Ukrainian). 
38. Zozulia N, ‘Stanislav Shevchuk: pro pershyi dosvid rozghliadu konstytutsiinykh skarh ta sud, shcho “sudyt” zakony’ [‘Stanislav Shevchuk: On the First Experience of the Constitutional Complaint’s Analyzing and about the Court that ‘Judges’ the Laws’] (Ukrainske pravo, 20 kvitnia 2018) accessed 16 August 2018 (in Ukrainian). 

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