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Article Issues of Constitutionalization of the Individual Constitutional Complaint in Ukraine


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2018
Pages 55 - 76

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) as a constitutional jurisdiction body plays a key role in constitutionalization of the individual constitutional complaint in Ukraine. Currently, practical implementation of the constitutional complaint in Ukraine is just at the initial stage. For this reason, the CCU’s practice, particularly, in dealing with constitutional complaints, is very important, since this stage lays the foundation of the approaches, traditions, principles and methods upon which the CCU will build its operation and notify its potential applicants regarding the prospects of constitutional complaint consideration.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the operation practice of the constitutional jurisdiction body and its legal positions in terms of the impact it has on the establishment and development of the institute of constitutional complaint in Ukraine, and also to identify the theoretical and legal challenges relating to the exercise of the right to individual constitutional complaint at the initial stage, and to formulate the proposals for improving the respective CCU practice and the institute of constitutional complaint.

CCU, as the constitutional jurisdiction body, “the court of law”, a legitimate body of constitutionalization of the institute of constitutional complaint, responds to numerous constitutional complaints and at the same time formulates important legal positions. Additional requirements set out by it with regard to the contents of the constitutional complaint evidence the judicial activism of the latter and an attempt to enhance the “reasonability test” as a precondition of their admissibility. This is consistent with the nature of the constitutional complaint as an important universal means of protecting fundamental human rights. Thus, CCU encourages the constitutional complaint subjects to prepare the claim with a well-balanced, responsible and careful attitude because the effects of a constitutional complaint, if upheld, are of a general nature, unlike the consequences of a court decision. The constitutional and court perspective will be open for a constitutional complaint which substantiates a constitutionally important issue in the domain of constitutional rights and freedoms. The burden of identifying and substantiating a constitutionally important issue rests with the constitutional complaint subjects. Focusing only on constitutional principles and guarantees in support of unconstitutionality of a law (or its separate provision) without specifying the constitutional rights and freedoms which have been violated will not have a convincing legal effect, and this does not preclude their widespread use to strengthen the reasonableness of requirements and to demonstrate the problem. This is what the author defines as the specifics of the constitutional complaint and an implicit signal of CCU that it is really “the court of law”. Under such circumstances, legal entities at private law are in the most vulnerable position.

 Difficult aspects pertaining to the preparation of a constitutional complaint should be counterbalanced by the capabilities not only of the community of attorneys but also professionals of law, particularly, constitutional law, and also scholars, constitutional experts in human rights, human rights advocates and human rights organizations.


Keywords constitutional complaint; constitutionalization; constitutionally important issue; “the court of law”; Constitutional Court of Ukraine; fundamental human rights

List of legal documents 
1. Kodeks administratyvnoho sudochynstva Ukrainy [Code of the Administrative Court Procedure of Ukraine]: v redaktsii Zakonu vid 3 zhovtnia 2017 r. № 2147-VIII (iz zminamy). URL: (accessed: 14.11.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
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2017. № 35. St. 376 (in Ukrainian). 
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6. Okrema dumka suddi Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy Lytvynova O. M. [Separate Opinion of the Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Lytvynova O. M.]. 
URL: (accessed: 
31.10.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
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10. Postanova Verkhovnoho Sudu [Ruling of the Supreme Court] vid 18 bereznia 2018 r. (sprava № P/800/120/14). URL: (accessed: 14.11.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
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15. Ukhvala Druhoho senatu Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the Second Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 16 lypnia 2018 r. № 1-up(II)/2018. URL: (accessed: 30.08.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
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18. Ukhvala Druhoi kolehii suddiv Pershoho senatu Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the Second Panel of Judges of the First Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 6 kvitnia 2018 r. № 36-2(I). URL: files/docs/36-2i2018.pdf (accessed: 31.10.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
19. Ukhvala Druhoi kolehii suddiv Pershoho senatu Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the Second Panel of Judges of the First Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 20 veresnia 2018 r. № 295-2(I)/2018. URL: default/files/docs/295_21_2018.pdf (accessed: 15.10.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
20. Ukhvala Pershoho senatu Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the First Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 13 chervnia 2018 r. № 20-u(I)/2018. URL: (accessed: 31.10.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
21. Ukhvala Pershoho senatu Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the First Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 19 veresnia 2018 r. № 33-y(I)/2018. URL: (accessed: 15.10.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
22. Ukhvala Pershoi kolehii suddiv Pershoho senatu Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the First Panel of Judges of the First Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 24 kvitnia 2018 r. № 127-1(I)/2018. URL: default/files/docs/127-1_i_2018.pdf (accessed: 31.10.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
23. Ukhvala Pershoi kolehii suddiv Pershoho senatu Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the First Panel of Judges of the First Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 24 kvitnia 2018 r. № 128-1(I)/2018. URL: files/docs/128_1_i_2018.pdf (accessed: 31.10.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
24. Ukhvala Velykoi palaty Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine] vid 1 lystopada 2018 r. № 67-u/2018 URL: (accessed: 13.11.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
25. Ukhvala Verkhovnoho Sudu [Ruling of the Supreme Court] vid 19 lypnia 2018 r. u spravi № P/811/1170/16. URL: (accessed: 14.11.2018) (in Ukrainian). 


Аuthored books 
26. Bryntsev V, Sudovyi konstytutsionalizm v Ukraini: doktryna i praktyka formuvannia [Court Constitutionalism in Ukraine: Doctrine and Establishment Practice], kn. 1 (Pravo 2013) (in Ukrainian). 
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Edited books 
33. Petryshyn O ta inshi (za zah red), Problemy ta perspektyvy zaprovadzhennia indyvidualnoi konstytutsiinoi skarhy v Ukraini [Challenges and Prospects of Individual Constitutional Complaint Introduction in Ukraine] (Atika-N 2010) (in Ukrainian). 
34. Shemshuchenko Yu ta inshi (za zah red), Teoriia i praktyka konstytutsionalizatsii haluzevoho zakonodavstva Ukrainy [Theory and Practice of Constitutionalization of the Branch-Specific Legislation of Ukraine] (Iurydychna dumka 2013) (in Ukrainian). 

Journal articles 
35. Evseev A, ‘Samoogranichenie v deyatel’nosti Konstitutsionnogo Suda Ukrainy’ [‘Self-Restraint in the Operation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine’] (2018) 2 Sravnitel’noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie 1-17 (in Russian). 
36. Hultai M ta Khrystova H, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha yak natsionalnyi zasib pravovoho zakhystu v konteksti dostupu do Yevropeiskoho sudu z prav liudyny’ [‘Constitutional Complaint as a National Legal Remedy in the Context of Access to the European Court of Human Rights’] (2017) 5 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 56-66 (in Ukrainian). 
37. Hultai M, ‘Zakhyst prav i svobod liudyny i hromadianyna Konstytutsiinym Sudom Ukrainy’ [‘Protection of Human and Citizens’ Rights and Freedoms by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine’] (2017) 4 Visnyk Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy 21-41 (in Ukrainian). 
38. Lemak V ta Petryshyn O, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha v Ukraini: problemy mekhanizmu vprovadzhennia’ [‘Constitutional Complaint in Ukraine: Issues Relating to the Mechanism of Introduction’] (2017) 2 Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 79-88 (in Ukrainian). 

39. Airiian K, ‘Konstytutsiina skarha yak forma zvernennia do orhanu konstytutsiinoi yurysdyktsii’ [‘Constitutional Complaint as a Form of Appeal to the Constitutional Jurisdiction Body’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Natsionalna akademiia vnutrishnikh sprav 2015) (in Ukrainian). 
40. Bryn T, ‘Konstytutsiinyi Sud Ukrainy v mekhanizmi zakhystu ta zabezpechennia prav i svobod liudyny i hromadianyna’ [‘Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the Mechanism of Protection and Ensuring of Human and Citizens’ Rights and Freedoms’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Natsionalna yurydychna akademiia im. Yaroslava Mudroho 2010) (in Ukrainian). 

Сonference materials 
41. Vashkevich A, ‘Institut konstitutsionnoy zhaloby v Respublike Pol’sha: organizatsionnopravovye problemy rassmotreniya’ [‘Institute of Constitutional Complaint in the Republic of Poland: Organizational and Legal Issues of Claim Consideration’] v Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty, svyazannye s individual’noy konstitutsionnoy zhaloboy v evropeyskoy modeli konstitutsionnogo pravosudiya: sb materialov Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Theoretical and Practical Aspects Relating to Individual Constitutional Complaint in the European Model of Constitutional Justice: Collected Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference] (BDP 2010) 98 (in Russian). 

42. ‘U KSU vidbulas mizhnarodna konferentsiia “Indyvidualna konstytutsiina skarha do Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy”’ [‘International Conference “Individual Constitutional Complaint to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” Held at CCU”’] (Konstytutsiinyi Sud Ukrainy, 11 veresnia 2018) accessed 20 October 2018 (in Ukrainian). 
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