Article title Administrative Jurisdiction and the Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine as in Force in 2017: a New Solution to the Problem or Unmastered Challenges of the Past?
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2/2018
Сторінки [11-25]

Administrative jurisdiction as an institute of administrative procedure law is provided for in the Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine. Administrative jurisdiction is of paramount significance not only for the administrative process but for the judicial system of Ukraine in general. However, so far the essence of this institute has been insufficiently defined. This article is aimed at forming of proposals for the development of unified generally accepted criteria designated to determine whether a certain dispute under public law falls within the administrative court jurisdiction, with the aim of ensuring the efficient protection of rights, freedoms and interests of individuals, rights and interests of legal entities, the exercise of the right to fair trial, and also with the aim of ensuring the uniformity of judicial practice and the stabile functioning of courts in the judicial system. It is turn, the issue of whether a specific dispute at public law belongs (or does not belong) to the administrative court jurisdiction, as well as whether it is possible to demarcate it from other types of judicial jurisdiction should be decided on the basis of the aggregate of existing external signs of relations at public law from which the dispute arose. By assessing the articles of the Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine as in force in 2005, it is easy to ascertain that the legislator has declared, in general terms, the criteria determining the administrative jurisdiction, and the limits and essence of the competence granted to administrative courts. However, such criteria do not allow coming to a definite conclusion about the type and nature of a specific dispute at public law. The contents of administrative jurisdiction have been supplemented – it covers the jurisdiction of subject matter, the jurisdiction of court system levels and the jurisdiction of territory (subjection to a jurisdiction). However, the criteria determining these types of jurisdiction remain essentially unchanged: subject matter of a dispute, subject (participant) of a dispute, court system level, place of residence (stay, location). The assumption is made that, in fact, the current problem of determining the administrative jurisdiction and its delimitation from other court jurisdictions will continue into the future. The primary explanation to this is that the existence of complex legal relations in different areas is disregarded; no uniform and generally accepted understanding has been developed with regard to the nature of all possible decisions, actions or omissions of subjects vested with power and the types of such subjects. There is a perception that the nature of legal relations and the type of judicial jurisdiction is determined by a legal result of those relations.


Keywords administrative jurisdiction; criterion; judicial jurisdiction; subjection to a jurisdiction; administrative process; parties; subject vested with power; the Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine; administrative act; legislative act

List of legal documents 

1. Kodeks administratyvnoho sudochynstva Ukrainy [The Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 6 lypnia 2005 r. № 2747-IV. URL: (accessed: 22.12.2017) (in Ukrainian). 

2. Kodeks administratyvnoho sudochynstva Ukrainy [The Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 6 lypnia 2005 r. № 2747-IV (v redaktsii Zakonu Ukrainy [As Amended by the Law of Ukraine] vid 3 zhovtnia 2017 r. № 2147-VIII). URL: (accessed: 22.12.2017) (in Ukrainian).

3. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy [Constitution of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 28 chervnia 1996 r. № 254k/96-VR. URL: show/254%D0%BA/96-%D0%B2%D1%80 (accessed: 20.12.2017) (in Ukrainian).

4. Konventsiia pro zakhyst prav liudyny i osnovopolozhnykh svobod [Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms] vid 4 lystopada 1950 r.: ratyfikovana Zakonom Ukrainy [Ratified by the Law of Ukraine] vid 17 lypnia 1997 r. № 475/97-VR. URL: (accessed: 20.12.2017) (in Ukrainian).

5. Pro dostup do publichnoi informatsii [On Access to Public Information]: Zakon Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] vid 13 sichnia 2011 r. № 2939-VI. URL: http://zakon2.rada. (accessed: 21.12.2017) (in Ukrainian).

6. Pro okremi pytannia yurysdyktsii administratyvnykh sudiv [On Some Issues of Administrative Court Jurisdiction]: postanova Plenumu Vyshchoho administratyvnoho sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the Plenum of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine] vid 20 travnia 2013 r. № 8. URL: (accessed: 21.12.2017) (in Ukrainian).

7. Pro praktyku zastosuvannia administratyvnymy sudamy zakonodavstva pro dostup do publichnoi informatsii [On the Practice of Application by Administrative Courts of the Laws on Access to Public Information]: postanova Plenumu Vyshchoho administratyvnoho sudu Ukrainy [Ruling of the Plenum of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine] vid 29 veresnia 2016 r. № 10. URL: show/v0010760-16 (accessed: 21.12.2017) (in Ukrainian).


 Authored books

8. Kolpakov V ta Hordieiev V, Teoriia i praktyka administratyvnoho sudochynstva: monohrafiia [Theory and Practice of Administrative Judicial Procedure: Monograph] (Misto 2011) (in Ukrainian).

9. Perepeliuk V, Administratyvne sudochynstvo: problemy praktyky: posibnyk [Administrative Judicial Procedure: Issues of Practice: Manual] (Konus-Iu 2007) (in Ukrainian).

10. Smokovych M, Vyznachennia yurysdyktsii administratyvnykh sudiv ta rozmezhuvannia sudovykh yurysdyktsii: monohrafiia [Establishing the Jurisdiction of Administrative Courts and Delimitation of Court Jurisdictions: Monograph] (Iurinkom Inter 2012) (in Ukrainian).

11. Stefaniuk V, Sudovyi administratyvnyi protses: monohrafiia [Court Administrative Process: Monograph] (Konsum 2003) (in Ukrainian).

12. Tsurkan M, Pravove rehuliuvannia publichnoi sluzhby v Ukraini Osoblyvosti sudovoho rozghliadu sporiv: monohrafiia [Legal Regulation of Public Service in Ukraine Specifics of Dispute Resolution in Court: Monograph] (Pravo 2010) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

13. Bevzenko V, ‘Peredumovy zakhystu v administratyvnomu protsesi prav, svobod, interesiv uchasnykiv administratyvno-pravovykh vidnosyn’ [‘Prerequisites for the Protection of the Rights, Freedoms and Interests of Participants to Administrative Law Relations in the Administrative Process’] v Nechytailo O (red), Administratyvne sudochynstvo Ukrainy: teoriia ta praktyka: monohrafiia [Administrative Judicial Procedure in Ukraine: Theory and Practice: Monograph] (VAITE 2015) (in Ukrainian).

14. Paseniuk O (red), Administratyvna yustytsiia Ukrainy: problemy teorii i praktyky Nastilna knyha suddi [Administrative Justice of Ukraine: Issues of Theory and Practice Judge’s Handbook] (Istyna 2007) (in Ukrainian). Journals articles

15. Bevzenko V ta Minko S, ‘Osoblyvosti vyznachennia pidvidomchosti publichnopravovykh sporiv’ [‘Specifics of Establishing the Subjection to Jurisdiction for Public Law Disputes’] (2007) 3 Visnyk hospodarskoho sudochynstva 122 (in Ukrainian).

16. – – ‘Novitnie administratyvne protsesualne pravo Ukrainy: ob’iektyvna zakonomirnist chy nadumana vyhadka?’ [‘The Latest Administrative Procedural Law of Ukraine: Objective Regularity or Unsubstantiated Invention?’] (2011) 1 Forum prava 68 (in Ukrainian).

17. – – ‘Administratyvna yurysdyktsiia: poniattia, sutnist, problemy vidmezhuvannia’ [‘Administrative Jurisdiction: Concept, Essence, Delimitation Issues’] (2013) 2 Administratyvne pravo i protses 180 (in Ukrainian).

18. Ilkov V, ‘Pravova pryroda sprav administratyvnoi yurysdyktsii ta yii vplyv na zastosuvannia dzherel prava v administratyvnomu sudochynstvi v Ukraini’ [‘Legal Nature of Cases under

Administrative Jurisdiction and its Impact on the Use of the Sources of Law in Administrative Judicial Procedure in Ukraine’] (2014) 5 Nashe pravo 60 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

19. Bevzenko V, ‘Peredumovy zakhystu v administratyvnomu sudochynstvi prav, svobod, interesiv uchasnykiv publichno-pravovykh vidnosyn’ [‘Prerequisites for the Protection of the Rights, Freedoms and Interests of Participants to Public Law Relations in the Administrative Judicial Procedure’] Suchasna administratyvno-pravova doktryna zakhystu prav liudyny: Naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia [Modern Administrative Law Doctrine of Human Rights Protection: Scientific and Practical Conference] (Pravo 2015) (in Ukrainian).


Newspaper articles

20. Kuibida R, ‘Mezhi administratyvnoi yurysdyktsii: spirni pytannia’ [‘Administrative Jurisdiction Limits: Disputable Issues’] Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrainy (Kyiv, 23 Cherven 2007) (in Ukrainian).


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