Article | Double Standards in the Use by Ukrainian Courts of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights |
Authors |
Myroslava Bilak
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2018 |
Pages | 170 - 184 |
Annotation | The court practice comprises different understanding of the place and role of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950 (hereinafter – the Convention) and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter – ECtHR) in the context of the Ukrainian legal system, and this entails negative implications for the protection of human and citizen’s rights and freedoms. Some courts assert that only ECtHR judgments in cases against Ukraine are the source of law in Ukraine, while others also refer to judgments against other States. In some cases, courts use legal positions of the ECtHR when it is clear that application of national law will entail a violation of the Convention’s requirements. In other cases, courts do not accept arguments of the parties that the ECtHR’s legal positions should be used arguing that national law provides for a different procedure of case resolution. The purpose of this article is to prove that the Convention as a statute of higher legal force as regards national law should be applied to the extent similar to the correlation of human and citizen’s rights and freedoms entrenched in the Constitution of Ukraine to the relevant rights provided for in the Convention; the article also aims at arguing that the ECtHR judgments rendered in cases against Ukraine as well as against other States may be used by courts as a weighty justification in favor of legal positions determined by national courts, and are the source of law in Ukraine and do not require legislative recognition. The constitutional level of the Convention, together with the EChHR case law, puts it into a special place in the national legal system and judicial practice of Ukraine which is nevertheless limited by the supremacy of the Constitution of Ukraine. The Convention as a legal standard for the protection of human and citizen’s rights should be taken into account to the same extent as human rights enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine correlate with the Convention. Legal positions of the ECtHR, which are individual in terms of factual circumstances of the case and their legal qualification from the perspective of national law, make their automatic use impossible in a specific case within the framework of other national legal systems. They form a legal standard which explains why a particular judgment was rendered in a particular case, i.e. what we call “case in precedent” (stare decisis) or the concept of “settled court practice” (jurisprudence constante), and in any case are inextricably linked with the act interpreted. The ECtHR case law has weight in the context of law interpretation by national courts, and thus in the hierarchy of sources of law the ECtHR acts are at the same level as the Convention, since they are its continuation, in the same manner as provisions of current laws of Ukraine which are interpreted by national courts. In particular, a legal standard established by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine by interpreting the Constitution of Ukraine becomes its integral part. Accordingly, legal standards of the ECtHR or any other court are present at each level of the hierarchy of statutory instruments within the framework of different national legal systems. Therefore, the ECtHR judgments rendered in cases against Ukraine as well as against other States are the source of law in Ukraine and do not need any “additional” legislative recognition. |
Keywords | source of law; Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; case law of the European Court of Human Rights; binding nature |
References | List of legal documents
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Newspaper articles 22. Shevchuk Stanislav, ‘Sudy zahalnoi yurysdyktsii chasto ne bachat fundamentalnoi pryrody konstytutsiinykh prav ta zastosovuiut lyshe zakony’ [‘General Jurisdiction Courts Often Do Not See the Fundamental Nature of the Constitutional Rights and Use only Laws’] Zakon i biznes (Kyiv, 26 Lystopad – 2 Hruden 2016) (in Ukrainian).
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