Article | Legal Nature of Procedural Right Abuse in Civil Proceedings and the Fictitious Nature of Procedural Actions |
Authors |
Anzhelika Tkachuk
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2018 |
Pages | 233 - 248 |
Annotation | For a long period of time, abuse of procedural rights by parties to civil proceedings and the fictitious nature of procedural actions resulting from such abuse remains an urgent issue, given the imperfection of current procedural legislation and low legal culture of the general public. The purpose of this article is to investigate the legal nature of civil procedural rights abuse, to mark out and describe its characteristics, and also to formulate the definition of this concept. The author proves that in case of abuse of a right, the fictitious nature of the proceedings may be indicated by the procedural actions and functions which contradict the objectives and purpose of civil proceedings. Arguments are given to demonstrate that abuse of a right may not be regarded as a civil tort, since the issue of qualification of certain actions as abuse of a right and the issue of tort liability for damage caused by such actions have different nature. It is proved that, firstly, the interdisciplinary understanding of the said fictitious nature allows arriving at the conclusion about impossibility of abuse in the form of omission, and secondly, a relevant person should realize the fact of procedural right abuse, and such actions should be his/her conscious choice, and if the said person does not have an illegitimate purpose when making certain procedural actions which under other circumstances would qualify as an abuse of procedural rights, his/her actions may not be recognized as an abuse of procedural rights. Abuse of a procedural right is characterized by the following signs: the person has a specific procedural right at the moment of abusing it; the person realizes the fact of procedural right abuse; it may be made only by action; the exercise of procedural rights formally complies with the requirements of law, however, these rights are exercised contrary to the purpose with which they are granted to parties to the proceedings and contrary to the objectives and purpose of civil proceedings; it is not a civil tort. Therefore, abuse of a procedural right is an exercise of procedural rights contrary to the purpose and objectives of civil proceedings, and also to the purpose of relevant procedural rights granted to a person; this entails the fictitious nature of respective proceedings which negatively affect public interests in the efficient and fair administration of justice in civil matters, as well as private interests of parties to the proceedings. |
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