Article | Administrative Judicial Procedure: Correlation with Administrative Process and the Subject Matter of Administrative Law |
Authors |
Valerii Kolpakov
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2018 |
Pages | 26 - 38 |
Annotation | The analysis of modern views on the legal nature of administrative judicial procedure demonstrated that there is a scientific problem with its identification in the legal system and the system of law in Ukraine, and its solution, when found, should facilitate further comprehension of the substantive characteristics of judicial appeal against actions and omissions of subjects vested with power. The purpose of this article is to establish how administrative judicial procedure, the subject matter of administrative law and administrative process correlate and also to update the understanding of the concept of “administrative process”. To achieve the said purpose, the following has been examined: views of administrative law scholars on the understanding and correlation of the concepts “administrative judicial procedure”, “subject matter of administrative law”, “administrative process”; provisions of the Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine; provisions of other statutory instruments. It is emphasized that the function of a separate administrative court jurisdiction is provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950, the First Protocol and Protocols № 2, 4, 7 and 11 to the Convention”, and the process of renewal of Ukrainian administrative law and establishment of its modern paradigm is associated with the introduction of the Administrative Reform Concept in Ukraine into the administrative domain. The author dwells on the contents of scientific support of the reform of administrative law institutions which comprise the following aspects a) to establish the regular patterns of reform; b) to provide a legal justification for political and philosophical opinions; c) to generate legislative and organizational initiatives; d) to make a legal examination of the measures implemented; g) self-reflection and evolution. The article presents arguments to prove that there is good reason for recognizing administrative judicial procedure, firstly, the backbone component of the subject matter of administrative law, and secondly, an integral part of administrative process. As a result, the author arrives at the conclusion that administrative judicial procedure has administrative legal nature and is an integral part of the subject matter of administrative law and administrative process. The author suggests recognizing administrative process as a generalized name for the activities of public administration governed by statutory provisions and aimed at exercising their authorities of power. |
Keywords | administrative law; administrative judicial procedure; administrative process; relations of administrative obligations; Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine; legal relations; subject matter of administrative law; public administration |
References | List of legal documents
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