Article | Trust in a Court of Law: the Status and Instruments of Influence |
Authors |
Lidiia Moskvych
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 3 / 2018 |
Pages | 9 - 25 |
Annotation | Currently in Ukraine there are obvious systemic problems in the relations between the state authorities and society, and over the recent years such problems have significantly decreased the level of public trust in the state institutions in general and in courts in particular. However, trust of citizens is a special source of power of the state authorities and an indicator of their efficiency at the same time. A government which does not enjoy support of the population and is not trusted by the public is not viable. If such a situation continues in the context of the overall psychological crisis, this can result in an increased social tension in society. That is why the priority goal among the most important tasks currently faced by the judiciary in Ukraine is to gain trust of citizens, increase its authority and social status in society. A scientific study of the issue of public trust in a court of law as one of the criteria of its efficiency will allow outlining the areas in which the judicial system can be optimized, increasing the authority of the judiciary in society in particular and public support for the judicial reform in general, and also will contribute to their understanding and interaction with a view to more efficient implementation of the judicial policy. The purpose of this article is to determine the structural elements of such a systemic phenomenon as trust in a court of law and make their analysis, and also to elucidate the issues which negatively affect the situation with trust in courts and to make proposals regarding possible ways of solving such issues. Actually, the emerged issue of distrust in one of the branches of state power indicates that the state power faces the crisis of unity. The issue of trust in courts is an element of systemic trust in the state power, and therefore should be addressed by systemic measures. At the same time, certain prerequisites for such distrust in the judiciary are entrenched in the statutory regulations and provoked by competitive actions of the branches of government and separate entities vested with state power. The situation can be remedied by law enforcement and law interpretation practices based on the principles of the rule of law and understanding of the legitimate goal of law. Since the judicial power is the state power, the general principles based on which public trust in state institutions is built should also be implemented in the mechanisms of building trust in courts. At the same time, the specific nature of functions and the methods via which the judiciary is established and operates has a determining impact on the tools forming its positive image in the public consciousness by giving them specific characteristics. The meaningful elements having an impact on how the trust in courts is formed by participants of the court process are: a) independence and impartiality of the court in resolving a conflict; b) objective and comprehensive nature of the cognition process and the correctness of its outcome; c) fairness of a court decision in terms of the law of substance; d) fairness of a trial in terms of the law of procedure (for instance, providing the parties with equal opportunities to defend their interests in court; d) legality of actions and decisions of a court.
Keywords | court; the judiciary; trust in a court of law; accessibility of a court of law; competence of a court of law; fair trial by a court of law; risks of delegitimization of the judiciary; tools for restoring the trust in a court of law |
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