Article | Subject Matter of Administrative Law |
Authors |
Roman Melnyk
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 3 / 2018 |
Pages | 159 - 182 |
Annotation | Accurate and appropriate understanding of the subject matter of administrative law is crucial for the administrative justice domain, since the subject matter of administrative law allows setting precise limits of jurisdiction of administrative courts. The subject matter of administrative law is also the determining factor for the purpose of administrative law study by students and for making of administrative law research. All this necessitates the formulation of a complete and perfect theory (concept) of the subject matter of administrative law. The purpose of this article is to formulate the author’s conception of the subject matter of administrative law from the perspective of the analysis of historical experience and in the context of a critical study of works by modern administrative law scholars. The article offers the analysis of scientific works by Soviet scholars focused on the essence and contents of the subject matter of administrative law. The author succeeded in establishing and explaining the reasons for introduction of the category “subject matter of legal regulation” into the scientific use which was done by Professor N. Arzhanov in contrast to the Western theory dividing law into public and private. The author believes that the concept of subject matter and method of legal regulation proposed by Soviet scholars as a criterion for differentiation of branches of law is far-fetched and unsustainable. To resolve this issue, as noted in the article, scholars and legal practitioners should be guided by relevant theories developed by European authors and tested by law administration practice, such as the theory of subordination, the special legal theory and the two-stage theory. The author proves that it is impossible to include into the subject matter of administrative law social relations arising within intra-organizational activities of public enterprises; s well as those associated with the implementation of administrative justice and the judicial procedure of making individuals liable under administrative law. Elaborating on the formulated conclusions, the author emphasizes the need for a significant expansion of the subject matter of administrative law, which, in the author’s opinion, is comprised not only by respective social relations. Finally, the conclusion is made that the subject matter of modern administrative law is made up by: relations arising in the course of direct exercise of power by the Ukrainian people; relations arising between an individual and a subject of public administration when the latter acts with regard to an individual using one or a combination of legal administrative instruments; relations arising between a subject of public administration and another subject of public authority, with which the former is not in the relations of subordination; relations arising within the framework of intra-organizational activities of a public body; relations arising between a subject of public administration and “special subordinates”; relations associated with management of items of public property (public assets); relations relating to pecuniary liability of a public administration subject for the damage caused to an individual by a decision (action); regulation of factual actions; regulation of legal status of subjects of relations at administrative law.
Keywords | : administrative law; subject matter of administrative law; subject matter and method of legal regulation; social relations; relations at administrative law |
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