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Article Personal Autonomy in the Information Technology Law
Yurii Sheliazhenko
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2018
Pages 183 - 200

Implementation of the autonomy of will in legal relations through information technologies leads to the origination of new forms of individuality and interests, in particular, the artificial ones outside of the established approaches to legal regulation. Modern information technologies offer new opportunities for the exercise and protection of human rights and for cryptographic security of human privacy, but they also may become the tools used to commit offenses. Automatic decision-making simplifies legal procedures, but unfair algorithms impose inequality, exclusion and oppression. The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of personal autonomy in IT- law and to make a forecast of its prospects, to describe the existing and necessary legal guarantees of individual self-control in the digital age. The analysis of the practice of the US Supreme Court, the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice demonstrates that administration of justice in the context of IT-expansion into legal relations creates the need to maintain the balance of rights and obligations, to adapt the existing legal mechanisms to new realities and apply the fundamental principles of law with a view to developing the legal mechanisms under the conditions when the old legal technologies are no longer able to efficiently facilitate the establishment of the rule of law. One of the specific features of personal autonomy in the IT-law is the variability and unprecedented nature of its manifestations, and this requires that new legal mechanisms be created for the establishment of the rule of law based on the subsidiarity of law enforcement, trust and non-interference with the autonomous social relations in the IT-field, except for cases when it is required by law, for example, in case a person is unable to avoid obvious threats or solve problems and conflicts. Given the increasing significance of robots (i.e. machines automatically working in the interests of humans) in the life of civilized society and the successful development of artificial intelligence able to make independent decisions with regard to legal relations, a need arises to consider the possibility of recognizing the constitutional rights of robots, in particular, the rights to existence, proper operation and protection under law which are linked to the duties of robots to serve humans. It is necessary to take care not only of the responsibility of humans for their robots and of robots for illegal operation, for example, in the form of deactivation, but also to ensure that the software of intelligent machines incorporates technical guarantees of legitimate operation and ethical prerequisites like the three laws of A. Azimov’s robotics, which should be an integral part of the machine’s system for independent decision-making and artificial personal autonomy, i. e. Legal autonomy of artificial intelligence. In this context, the criteria of legal capacity of artificial intelligence may be established by law and applied by courts and law enforcement agencies, if necessary, with the involvement of artificial intelligence experts for the purpose of addressing the issue of a robot’s forced deactivation, similarly to a forensic psychiatric expert examination to check the criminal delictual dispositive capacity and civil legal capacity of an individual.


Keywords personal autonomy; IT-law; privacy; artificial intelligence; legal regulation of information relations; laws of robotics; human rights; rights of robots

List of legal documents


1. European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2017 with recommendations to the Commission on Civil Law Rules on Robotics (2015/2103(INL)). URL: (accessed: 21.02.2018) (in English).

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United Nations documents

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Authored books

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Edited books

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Journal articles

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Conference papers

35. Sheliazhenko Y, ‘Avtonomiia subiektiv trudovoho prava u konteksti praktyky Yevropeiskoho Sudu z prav liudyny ta proektu Trudovoho kodeksu Ukrainy’ [‘Autonomy of the Entities at Labor Law in the Context of the European Court of Human Rights’ Case Law and the Draft Labor Code of Ukraine’] Problemy zabezpechennia prav i svobod liudyny, yikh zakhystu v krainakh Yevropy: III mizhnarodna konfereniia konferenсia [Issues of Ensuring Human Rights and Freedoms, and Their Protection in the European Countries: Third International Conference] (Vezha-Druk 2016) (in Ukrainian).



36. Sheliazhenko Y, ‘Computer Modeling of Personal Autonomy and Legal Equilibrium’, (Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems: 7th Computer Science On-line Conference, Zlin, April 2018) (in English).



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