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Article The Court as a Centerpiece of the Subject Matter of Ukraine’s Judicial Law
Serhii Prylutskyi
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2018
Pages 26 - 51

Ukraine’s accession to the European legal area requires that Ukrainian scholars and practitioners reconsider and take a fresh look at the long-established legal institutions, the court being one of them. The key issue focused on in this research stems from the pressing philosophical and legal contradiction between the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine which stipulate that in our State justice is administered exclusively by courts and which do not envisage that functions of courts may be delegated to or appropriated by other bodies or officials, and the provisions of Art. 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (right to a fair trial) and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights via which this provision is implemented. The core of the issue raised in this article is that the national legal thought incorporates rather a settled (unchanging) idea that the court is a public body with its legal status determined within the framework of the court system, and the majority of scholars maintain a stance that the court is a body of state power; only the state courts determined by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine are vested with judicial power as a form of state power, and therefore, no other bodies may be granted the functions via which judicial power can be implemented. However, the Western European doctrine has a different idea of the court envisaging that this legal institution can take various organizational forms, including those beyond the state framework. The purpose and objective of this article is to elucidate the essence of the court as a social and legal phenomenon, to identify its key attributes and manifestations at different stages of mankind development, and also to make a comprehensive scientific analysis of this legal institute. To achieve this purpose, the etymology of the word “court” should be studied and a philosophical, anthropological and historical analysis of this social phenomenon should be made; modern concepts of interaction between the State and the court should be investigated; the interrelation, mutual influence and involvement of the international court in the national legal system should be ascertained. The article substantiates that the court is a phenomenon underlain by the natural human ability to perceive, analyze and make a critical assessment of information through the prism of an individual’s social perception of the world. The origination of the court as a separate form of human relations stems from the early stages not only of human civilization but also of the development of man as a social being. The author has established that this process took place at the times of the pre-class, ancestral system, when the key economic institutions (property and means of production) were just in germ. It is substantiated that the court as a phenomenon has a socio-cultural basis which, in the age of the struggle of “all against all” influenced the consolidation of people and the establishment of close social ties, and eventually – close unions of public authority. The court as an institution of social organization and interaction of individuals is a pre-class phenomenon, and the right to judicial protection has become one of the foremost natural rights of a “civilized” individual. The author suggests that there is a need to differentiate between “the court” as a separate social institution and “the court” as an institution of public authority. It is the enhancement of the State on the basis of absolute rule that the state court began to take over and later almost completely appropriated the functions and role of the court as a social institution. However, in each historical epoch these two formations of the court existed and still exist simultaneously, influencing each other and often amalgamating. As a unique social phenomenon, the court exists and develops according to the rules and laws of human social development, sometimes even independently of and contrary to the positive right of the State. Currently, the court maintains and plays a decisive role in the existence of separate societies, states, and in the construction of the newest global world order. At the same time, realities indicate that societies disintegrate and states collapse if they lost or failed to organize the social and legal foundations of a fair trial It is the court, being a unique social and legal phenomenon, that is the centerpiece of the subject matter of judicial law which is experiencing its revival amid the present-day reforms of Ukraine’s legal system.


Keywords court; justice; conscience; society; the State; judicial law

List of legal documents 

1. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy [The Constitution of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 28 chervnia 1996 r. № 254k/96-VR. URL: show/254%D0%BA/96-%D0%B2%D1%80 (accessed: 09.03.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
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3. Oleksandr Volkov proty Ukrainy Zaiava № 21722/11 (IeSPL, 9 Sichnia 2013 roku) [Oleksandr Volkov v Ukraine App no 21722/11 (ECtHR, 9 January 2013)] (in Ukrainian).

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6. Romashov proty Ukrainy Zaiava № 67534/01 (IeSPL, 27 Lypnia 2004 roku) [Romashov v Ukraine App № 67534/01 (ECHR, 27 July 2004)] (in Ukrainian).

7. Vysnovok Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy vid 11 lypnia 2001 roku № 3-v/2001 u spravi za konstytutsiinym podanniam Prezydenta Ukrainy pro nadannia vysnovku shchodo vidpovidnosti Konstytutsii Ukrainy Rymskoho Statutu Mizhnarodnoho kryminalnoho sudu (sprava pro Rymskyi Statut) (sprava № 1-35/2001) [Opinion of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated July 11, 2001 № 3-в/2001 in the Case Following the Constitutional Petition of the President of Ukraine Requesting for the Opinion Concerning the Compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Case of the Rome Statute) (Case № 1-35/2001)]. URL: http://zakon2. (accessed: 07.03.2018) (in Ukrainian).





Authored books

8. Dudchenko Oleksandr, Pravovyi status osib, yaki zaimaiut administratyvni posady v sudi [Legal Status of Persons Holding Administrative Positions in Court] (Pravo 2015) (in Ukrainian).

9. Kuz’min A, Slavjane i Rus’: Problemy i idei: Koncepcii, rozhdjonnye trjohvekovoj polemikoj, v hrestomatijnom izlozhenii [The Slavs and Rus’: Problems and Ideas: Concepts Born of a Three-Year Polemic, in the Form of a Chrestomathy] (4-e izd, Flinta: Nauka 2001) (in Russian).

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12. Voitovych Valerii, Ukrainska mifolohiia [Ukrainian Mythology] (Lybid 2002) (in Ukrainian).


Edited and translated books

13. Babaev Vladimir (red), Obshhaja teorija prava: kurs lekcij [General Theory of Law: Lecture Course] (Izdatel’stvo Nizhegorodskoj VSh MVD RF 1993) (in Russian).

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Journal articles

25. Kasumov Tofik, ‘Sociologija pravosudija: voprosy metodologii i predvidenija’ [‘Sociology of Justice: Issues of Methodology and Foresight’] (2008) 5 SOTIS 26 (in Russian).

26. Mahrelo Maryna, ‘Avtonomna kontseptsiia poniattia “sud” yak osnova instytutu spravedlyvoho sudu’ [‘Autonomous Concept of the Notion of “Court” as the Basis of the Fair Trial Institution’] [2013] 10(2) Visnyk Akademii advokatury Ukrainy 69 (in Ukrainian).

27. Riker Pol, ‘Akt sudzhennia’ [‘Act of Judgment’] (2001) 7-8 Dukh i litera 74 (in Ukrainian). 28. Semjonov Jurij, ‘Formy obshhestvennoj voli v doklassovom obshhestve: tabuitet, moral’ i obychnoe pravo’ [‘Forms of Public Will in the Pre-Class Society: Tabuity, Morals and Common Law’] (1997) 4 Jetnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (in Russian).

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30. Skliarenko Vitalii, ‘Etymolohichni rozvidky’ [‘Etymological Investigations’] 2011 (5) Movoznavstvo 3 (in Ukrainian).


Conference papers

31. Usenko I ta inshi (red), Sudova vlada v Ukraini i sviti: istoriia, suchasnist, perspektyvy rozvytku [The Judiciary in Ukraine and in the World: History, Present Times, Prospects of Development]: materialy XXV Mizhnarodnoi istoryko-pravovoi konferentsii [Materials of the XXV International History and Law Conference] (SMD 2011) ch 1 (in Ukrainian).



32. Baronin Denys, ‘Pravovyi status sudu v Ukraini’ [‘Legal Status of the Court in Ukraine’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Natsionalnyi yurydychnyi universytet imeni Yaroslava Mudroho 2015) 145 (in Ukrainian).



33. Kuijer Martin, ‘Tribunal Established by Law’ (Bulgarian lawyers for human rights) <> accessed 7 March 2018 (in English).


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