Article | Implementation of the Rule of Law Principle in Civil Proceedings in the Context of the Reformation of Justice |
Authors |
Viktor Horodovenko
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 3 / 2018 |
Pages | 65 - 78 |
Annotation | The rule of law is a fundamental principle forming the basis of a democratic rule-of-law state and underlying the operation of the judiciary within its framework. The rule of law as a social and natural phenomenon, as a cornerstone principle of Ukraine’s legal and political systems, as a cornerstone principle of the judiciary and as a legal category draws proactive attention of legal professionals. However, recent changes to the laws of procedure of Ukraine, the start of operation of the new Supreme Court and the set up of the latest law enforcement practice significantly changes the approaches to the interpretation of the rule of law principle and the specifics of its application, in particular, in civil proceedings. The purpose of the article is to determine the specific features pertaining to the implementation of the rule of law principle in civil proceedings in the context of the reformation of justice. The article demonstrates that the establishment of the rule of law and the operation of a rule-of-law state are possible where society consistently and uninterruptedly implements such requirements as respect for human rights and freedoms, the rule of the Constitution, the principle of separation of powers, legality, restriction of discretionary powers, the principle of legal certainty, and independence of courts and judges. It is established that the rule of law is the keystone (the fundamental principle) of civil proceedings, and applying it, a court of law ensures a fair, impartial and timely trial and resolution of civil cases with the aim of efficient protection of infringed, unrecognized or disputed rights, freedoms or interests of individuals, rights and interests of legal entities, and interests of the State. There is no universal definition of the rule of law; however, its interpretation is given by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the European Court of Human Rights. The article proves that the generally recognized fundamental elements of the rule of law are as follows: (1) legality; (2) legal certainty; (3) prohibition of arbitrariness; (4) access to justice before independent and impartial courts; (5) respect for human rights; (6) nondiscrimination and equality before the law. It is these characteristics of the rule of law that should be taken into account by a court of law while administering justice in civil proceedings.
Keywords | rule of law; civil proceedings; administration of justice; human rights; justice; legal certainty |
References |
List of legal documents
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