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Article The Modern World. A New Look at the Legitimacy of Public Finance
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2018
Pages 181 - 204

These days, the institute of national state is undergoing a crisis. In the context of a polysubjective world order, the state is no longer the only and major source of power. Modern legal systems are supplemented by new norms contained in sources of law which were not typical for them earlier. These norms are sanctioned by the state indirectly or not sanctioned by it at all. The purpose of the article is to research into the concept of legitimacy of a modern state in the context of financial relations at the international as well as at the national levels against the background of the crisis currently faced by the institution of modern national state-building, and to establish the source of legitimacy of legal norms other than the state. The author analyzes the issue of legitimacy of legal norms in connection with the principles of law and the rule-making activity at the national, international and supranational judicial levels. The author specifically focuses on the mechanisms of ensuring the legitimacy of financial and legal norms at the national level in the context of the possibility of a citizen to appeal against any decision made by the state within the financial domain. Based on a brief historical review of the era of establishment of the Modern Age states as compared with the present-day status of the state as an institution, the author reaches the conclusion that the traditional state has transformed into a new entity, and also determines its characteristics and contents in terms of tax relations. As a summary it is stated that the norms governing social relations which do not ensue from the state can also be legal norms but only if they comply with the generally accepted principles of law, and in this case the authorization by the state is not a prerequisite for their validity or binding nature. The principles of international tax law are the regulators determining the behavior of the state as well as other entities. From this perspective, the rule-making activity of supranational judicial institutions is taking on a new role. The author comes to the conclusion that decisions made by such courts should be recognized as sources of law, as this will allow avoiding disputes about the use of precedents and will provide national courts with greater opportunities.


Keywords legitimacy; legality; tax; the state

List of legal documents



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Authored books

5. Adams Charles, Fight, Flight, Fraud: The Story of Taxation (Euro-Dutch Publishers 1982) (in English).

6. Bodin Jean, Les Six Livres de la Republique (Par Gabriel Cartier 2002) (in French).

7. Guehenno Jean-Marie, Das Ende der Demokratie (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag 1994) (in German).

8. Habermas Jürgen, Faktizitat und Geltung, Beitrage zur Diskurstheorie des Rechts und des demokratischen Rechtsstaats (Verlag 1992) (in German).

9. Peters Cees, The faltering legitimacy of international tax law (Center for Economic Research 2013) (in English).

10. Polanyi Karl, La Grande Transformation: Aux origines politiques et économiques de notre temps (Gallimard 1995) (in Italian).

11. Schmitt Carl, Verfassungleichheit (Rowman & Littlefield 1983) (in German).

12. Burd’e P’er, Sotsiologiya politiki [Sociology of Politics] (Socio-Logos 1993) (in Russian). 13. Gobbs Tomas, Leviafan, ili materiya, forma i vlast’ gosudarstva tserkovnogo i grazhdanskogo [Leviathan, or the Matter, Form and Power of the Ecclesiastical and Civil State] (Ripol Klassik 2016) (in Russian).

14. Khabermas Yurgen, Vovlechenie Drugogo. Ocherki politicheskoy teorii [Involvement of the Other. Essays on Political Theory] (Nauka 2008) (in Russian).

15. Krevel’d Martin, Rastsvet i upadok gosudarstva [Rise and Fall of a State] (IRISEN, Sotsium 2016).

16. Lokk Dzhon, Vtoroy traktat o pravlenii [Second Treatise of Government] (Mysl’ 1988) (in Russian).

17. Magun Artemiy, Edinstvo i odinochestvo: Kurs politicheskoy filosofii Novogo vremeni [Unity and Loneliness: a Course in Political Philosophy of the Modern Age] (Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 2011) (in Russian).

18. Tonkov Evgeniy, Tolkovanie zakona v Anglii: monografiya [Interpretation of Law in England: Monograph] (Aleteyya 2013) (in Russian).

19. Veber Maks, Politicheskie raboty [Political Works] (Praksis 2003) (in Russian).

20. Yampol’skiy Mikhail, Vozvrashchenie Leviafana: Politicheskaya teologiya, reprezentatsiya vlasti i konets Starogo rezhima [Leviathan’s Return: Political Theology, Representation of Power and the End of the Old Regime] (Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 2004) 93-111 (in Russian).


Edited and translated books

 21. Dourado Ana Paula, ‘Chapter 10: No Taxation without Representation in the European Union: Democracy, Patriotism and Taxes’ in Cécile Brokelind (ed), Principles of Law: Function, Status and Impact in EU Tax Law (2014) (in English).

22. Gribnau Hans, ‘Legitimacy of the Judiciary’ in E Hondius and C Jousta (ed), Netherlands Reports to the Sixteenth International Congress of Comparative Law (Intersentia 2002) (in English).

23. Streeck Wolfgang, The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism (Camiller P and Fernbach D tr, 2nd ed, Suhrkamp 2015) (in English).

24. Arendt Khanna, Vita Activa, ili O deyatel’noy zhizni [Vita Activa, or on Active Life] (Vladimir Babikhin per, Ad Marginem 2017) (in Russian).

25. Aristotel’, Politika [Politics] (S Zhebelev per, RIPOL Klassik 2016) (in Russian).

26. Dvorkin Ronal’d, O pravakh vser’ez [About Rights with a Serious Attitude] (Lakhuta M i Makeeva L per, Makeeva L red, Rossiyskaya politicheskaya entsiklopediya 2004) (in Russian).

27. Dyurkgeym Emil’, Samoubiystvo: sotsiologicheskiy etyud [Suicide: a Sociological Etude] (per, Bazarova V pod red, Mysl’ 1994) (in Russian).

28. Fuller Lon, Moral’ prava [Morals of Law] (Danilova T per, Sotsium 2016) (in Russian).

29. Kant Immanuil, ‘Ideya vseobshchey istorii vo vsemirno-grazhdanskom plane’ [‘The Idea of Universal History from the Universal Civil Perspective’] v Kant I, Sobranie sochineniy na nemetsokm i russkom yazykakh [Collection of works in German and Russian], t 1: Traktaty i stat’i [Treatises and Articles] (Tushling B i Motroshilova N red, Kami 1994) 89 (in Russian).

30. Leoni Bruno, Svoboda i zakon [Freedom and Law] (Koshkin V per, IRISEN 2008) (in Russian).

31. Liotar Zhan-Fransua, ‘Anima minima’ v Rans’er Zh, Esteticheskoe bessoznatel’noe (Lapitskiy V sost, per, poslesl, Machina 2004) (in Russian).

32. Rans’er Zhak, Nesoglasie Politika i filosofiya [Disagreement Politics and Philosophy] (Lapitskiy V per i prim, Shestakov V red, Machina 2013) (in Russian).


Journal articles

33. Kemmeren Eric, ‘Double Tax Conventions on Income and Capital and the EU: Past, Present and Future’ [2012] 21(3) EC Tax Review 157 (in English).

34. Schön Wolfgang, ‘Playing different games? Regulatory competition in tax and company law compared’ [2005] 42(2) Common Market Law Review 331 (in English).

35. Frank Semen, ‘Iz razmyshleniy o russkoy revolyutsii’ [‘From Reflections on the Russian Revolution’] [1990] 36(4) Novyy Mir 18 (in Russian).

36. Lipset Seymur Martin, ‘Razmyshleniya o legitimnosti’ [‘Reflections on Legitimacy’] [2005] 44(5) Apologiya 12 (in Russian).



37. Core principles for effective banking supervision < pdf> accessed 12 March 2018 (in English).

38. EU Code of Conduct for Business Taxation < en/council-eu/preparatory-bodies/code-conduct-group/> accessed 12 March 2018 (in English).

39. FATF list of high-risk and non-cooperative jurisdictions < publications/high-riskandnon-cooperativejurisdictions/documents/public-statementfebruary2018.html> accessed 12 March 2018 (in English).


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