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Article Constitutional Economics and the Main Models of the State’s Intervention in Economic Freedoms
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2018
Pages 13 - 29

The article defines the factors for formulating the rules based on the standards that are determinative in terms of selection of a model according to which the State interference in the economy. The author concludes that the liberal, liberal-democratic, societal and transitional models of the economy are relative and depend primarily on the balance between the principles and values, and this results into the institutional capacity of the economy and the State. The article applies a synthetic approach of research in the legal science which combines interdisciplinary, legal pluralism and values in law. The doctrine, administration of law and verification of the validity of postulates and legal constructs in the process of law administration are analyzed as a whole legal matter underlain by the values of law. From the perspective of achievements of the modern constitutionalism doctrine, in particular, the respect for human dignity and private autonomy of an individual, the article analyzes the main models according to which the State interference in the economic system. Such models are superimposed on the specific features of transitional constitutional democracies with the aim of determining an acceptable algorithm of economic reforms. Based on the analysis of the nature of the proportionality principle, the author elaborates on the constitutional aspects pertaining to the State’s interference in the fundamental economic freedoms – freedom of contract, guarantees of the right to private property, freedom to choose the profession and occupation, freedom of movement of capital, goods and services, and freedom of settlement and choice of the place of residence. As demonstrated by a comparative analysis of the models according to which the State interference in the exercise of economic freedoms through the prism of the proportionality principle, the specific measures applied by the State are entirely dependent on a certain structure of the economy, the extent of its differentiation, openness and assurance of economic freedoms. This is covered by the institutional capacity of the State, with active involvement of economic actors, to formulate, reproduce and enhance the rules and procedures that can guarantee the stability and bona fide performance of contracts. In the context of societal constitutionalism, the State acts symbiotically with society with a view to introducing the advanced economic achievements and preserving the environment, thus facilitating the sustainable development.


Keywords interference; economic freedoms; constitutional economics; constitutional values; constitutionalism; order; proportionality; chaos

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Authored books 

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Edited books 
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