Article | The Reform of Local Self-Government in Ukraine: Conceptual Issues of Its Constitutional Legal Framework and Development Prospects |
Authors |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 5 / 2018 |
Pages | 207 - 223 |
Annotation | Implementation of the municipal reform in Ukraine remains the pressing issue of the State and law reality. The basis for further development of local self-government as an institution should be laid by ensuring that the European standards are used to organize local democracy, and by scientific achievements of Ukrainian scholars. The existing problems of a legal nature give rise to a discussion on the legislative framework of the reform process and in some way block further development of local self-government. The purpose of the article is to analyze the constitutional framework of the local selfgovernment reform in modern Ukraine, to present the author’s position regarding some target areas in which the reform is implemented, and to develop recommendations on the national and local rule-making in the context of certain issues of development of local government. The author has established that the reform of this public-law institution should be preceded by amending the Constitution of Ukraine as the cornerstone of legislative amendments. The current situation regarding the capability of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to consider amendments to the Fundamental Law at any subsequent session entails negative phenomena and entrenchment in the current legislation of the provisions not fully consistent with the provisions of the Constitution. Today it is crucial to find a solution to this legal conflict existing in the Ukrainian constitutional process for the purpose of unfreezing an appropriate legislative framework of the municipal reform. The conceptual issue of the reform is to define in the legislation what the main subject of local self-government is. Legislative entrenchment of a territorial community as such does not meet the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government which sees a representative body of local self-government. Other approaches which may be used to form the competence of bodies and officials by outlining the areas of competence will contribute to decentralization of the State and help outline the responsibility of selfgoverning structures with regard to implementation of the municipal policy. The current situation with the legal framework poses a threat to further development of all local democracy institutions, given the inconsistent actions on the part of the legislator which may be traced with respect to the legal support of the reform process. Actually, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has blocked further development of local self-government since, having previously adopted the amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, it did not adopt them as a law. For the first time the domestic constitutional process will encounter a question about legal possibility of cancelling a previously adopted draft law on amendments to the Fundamental Law or of amending and supplementing it, but this is not provided for by articles 157 and 158 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Further scientific elaboration is needed with regard to the issues which, if resolved, will directly affect the appropriate development of relations in the local self-government domain: the territorial basis of activities of municipal structures and, in particular, united territorial communities, the organizational structure of a local council, the procedure and method of entrenching the competence of every participant of the municipal relations, the expediency of existence of the main local self-government subject as the main holder of all rights and obligations – the territorial community.
Keywords | reform of local self-government; legal framework of local self-government; decentralization; organizational framework of local self-government; municipal management; territorial community; local self-government bodies |
References |
List of legal documents
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