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Article The Objectives and Means of the Agrarian Market Regulation by the State
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2018
Pages 71 - 84

Along with being conductive to private interests of manufacturers and buyers of agricultural products, efficient functioning of the agrarian market also contributes to the satisfaction of public interests, in particular, it is important for sustainable development of rural areas, for ensuring the development of the agrarian sector of economy and for food security of the State. Given certain specific features pertaining to agricultural products as well as to their manufacturers, the agrarian market demonstrates a justified need for regulation by the State. It is the objectives and means of the State regulation that should be regarded as being determinative for this market. The purpose of the article is to elaborate on the objectives and means of the State regulation of the agrarian market at the current stage. In this study, the author analyzes a range of legislative and regulatory legal acts and subordinate legislation which make it obvious that at the State level there is an understanding that the agrarian market is in an unsatisfactory state and the State attempts at taking measures to improve the situation, in particular by fixing the ways and means of solving the problems in statutory and regulatory acts. Considering that introduction of these means is assigned primarily to the competent public authorities and local selfgovernment bodies, they can be regarded as the objectives of the State regulation of the agrarian market. Based on the analysis of the Concept of the State Target Program for Development of the Agrarian Sector of Economy for the period till year 2021 and a respective draft of this Program, the author gives details of the objectives of the agrarian market regulation by the State at the current stage. The author demonstrates that these objectives are consist with the short-term (earning profit by agricultural manufacturers with due regard for the interests of buyers at the same time) and long-term (sustainable development of rural areas and ensuring the State’s food security) priorities of the agrarian market. Proceeding from the analysis of the means of economic activity regulation by the State which are enshrined in article 12 of the Economic Code of Ukraine, the author has grounds to conclude that these objectives may be achieved through a successful combination of these means of the State regulation.


Keywords agrarian market; State regulation; objectives of the State regulation; means of the State regulation

List of legal documents 

1. Hospodarskyi kodeks Ukrainy [Economic Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 16 sichnia 2003 r. № 436-IV. URL: (accessed: 12.04.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
2. Kontseptsiia Derzhavnoi tsilovoi prohramy rozvytku ahrarnoho sektoru ekonomiky na period do 2021 roku [The Concept of the State Target Program for Development of the Agrarian Sector of Economy for the Period till Year 2021], skhvalena rozporiadzhenniam Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy [Approved by Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukrainethe ] vid 30 hrudnia 2015 r. № 1437-r. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2016. № 24. St. 960 (in Ukrainian). 
3. Podatkovyi kodeks Ukrainy [Tax Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 2 hrudnia 2010 r. № 2755-VI. URL: show/2755-17 (accessed: 12.04.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
4. Pro derzhavnu pidtrymku silskoho hospodarstva [On the Support of the Agricultural Industry by the State]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 24 chervnia 2004 r. № 1877-IV. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2004. № 49. St. 527 (in Ukrainian). 
5. Pro osnovni pryntsypy ta vymohy do bezpechnosti ta yakosti kharchovykh produktiv [On the Basic Principles and Requirements to Food Product Safety and Quality]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 23 hrudnia 1997 r. № 771/97-VR. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 1998. № 19. St. 98 (in Ukrainian). 
6. Pro osnovni zasady derzhavnoi ahrarnoi polityky na period do 2015 roku [On the Basic Foundations of the State Agrarian Policy for the Period till Year 2015 2015]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 18 zhovtnia 2005 r. № 2982-IV. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2006. № 1. St. 17 (in Ukrainian). 
7. Pro zakhody shchodo zabezpechennia formuvannia ta funktsionuvannia ahrarnoho rynku [On the Measures to Ensure the Forming and Functioning of the Agrarian Market]: Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy [Decree of the President of Ukraine] vid 6 chervnia 2000 № 767/2000. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2000. № 23. St. 931 (in Ukrainian). 
8. Pro zatverdzhennia Derzhavnoi tsilovoi prohramy rozvytku ukrainskoho sela na period do 2015 roku [On Approval of the State Target Program for Ukrainian Rural Development for the Period till Year 2015]: postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy [Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine] vid 19 veresnia 2007 r. № 1158. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2007. № 73. St. 2715 (in Ukrainian). 
9. Proekt Derzhavnoi tsilovoi prohramy rozvytku ahrarnoho sektoru ekonomiky na period do 2021 roku [Draft State Target Program for Development of the Agrarian Sector of Economy for the Period till Year 2021]. URL: web/226/ (accessed: 12.04.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
10. Uhoda pro asotsiatsiiu mizh Ukrainoiu, z odniiei storony, ta Yevropeiskym Soiuzom, Yevropeiskym spivtovarystvom z atomnoi enerhii i yikhnimy derzhavamy-chlenamy, z inshoi storony [The Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the One Part, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and Their Member States, on the other Part] vid 27 chervnia 2014 r. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2014. № 75. St. 2125 (in Ukrainian). 


Edited books 
11. Bobkova A (red), Khozyaystvennyy kodeks Ukrainy: nauchno-prakticheskiy kommentariy [The Economic Code of Ukraine: Scientific and Practical Commentary] (Izdatel’ FL-P Vapnyarchuk N N 2008) (in Russian). 

Journal articles 
12. Latynin M, ‘Teoretychni pidkhody shchodo vyznachennia mekhanizmu derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia rozvytku ahrarnoho sektoru ekonomiky Ukrainy’ [‘Theoretical Approaches to Defining the Mechanism for Regulation by the State of Development of Ukraine’s Agrarian Sector of Economy’] (2005) 2 Derzhavne upravlinnia: teoriia ta praktyka < puf> accessed 12 April 2018 (in Ukrainian).
13. Maistro S, ‘Sutnist ta napriamy derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia ahrarnoho rynku v zarubizhnykh krainakh’ [‘The Essence and Areas of the Agrarian Market Regulation by the State in Foreign Countries’] <> accessed 12 April 2018 (in Ukrainian).

14. Okhrymenko I, ‘Analiz ahrarnoho rynku na osnovi modelnykh pidkhodiv’ [‘Analysis of the Agrarian Market Based on Model Approaches’] (2011) 6 Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid 31 (in Ukrainian). 

Conference papers 
15. Semchyk V, ‘Teoretychni zasady formuvannia orhanizatsiinykh ta pravovykh instytutiv ahrarnoho rynku’ [‘Theoretical Bases of Forming the Organizational and Legal Institutions of the Agrarian Market’] v Orhanizatsiino-pravovi problemy rozvytku zemelnoho i ahrarnoho rynkiv v Ukraini: naukovi dopovidi [Organizational and Legal Issues of Development of the Land and Agrarian Markets in Ukraine: Scientific Reports] (In-t derzhavy i prava im V M Koretskoho NAN Ukrainy 2007) (in Ukrainian). 


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