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Article Liability of Persons Controlling the Debtor in a Bankruptcy Case
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2018
Pages 98 - 110

Given the unstable economic situation existing currently in Ukraine, debtors become insolvent and unable to make settlements with their creditors with increasing frequency, and this negatively affects the stability of business practice. As a rule, bankruptcy procedures used against such debtors turns out to be inefficient, and the amount of creditors’ claims significantly exceeds the value of debtor’s assets. The absence of the debtor’s property assets often results from actions of its founders or management bodies, and this gives rise to the question of bringing such persons to liability within the framework of a bankruptcy case. The purpose of this article is to provide scientific reasoning and formulate proposals for improving the legal regulation of the institute of liability of a debtor’s founders (members, shareholders) and a debtor’s CEO in a bankruptcy case, and also to expand and clarify in more details the conceptual and categorical apparatus of insolvency (bankruptcy) law. It is established that national legislation provides for various measures of liability of individuals and legal entities in the bankruptcy procedure. The analysis of national legislation leads to the conclusion that there is no consistency in the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the institute of individuals’ and legal entities’ liability for illegal actions in bankruptcy. To ensure integral regulation of the institute of individuals’ and legal entities’ liability for illegal actions in bankruptcy, the author proposes to use the term «the person controlling the debtor” which should cover the debtor’s founders (members, shareholders), CEO, as well as other persons who are authorized to give instructions binding upon the debtor or who are otherwise capable of determining its actions; the author also studies the challenging aspects relating to the termination of authority of the debtor’s CEO in the procedure of assets disposal; the article also provides an analyses of the court practice of subsidiary liability of the debtor’s founders. The author concludes that criminal and administrative liability (which mostly has a penal function) does not assure appropriate protection of proprietary rights of an insolvent debtor’s creditors, and in this context pecuniary and procedural liability of persons controlling the debtor within the framework of a bankruptcy case takes on great importance, and these persons are in the focus of this article.


Keywords bankruptcy; debtor; insolvency; legal liability; debtor’s founders; debtor’s CEO; person controlling the debtor

List of legal documents 

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6. Ukhvala Hospodarskoho sudu Khersonskoi oblasti [Rule of the Economic Court of Kherson Oblast] vid 6 lystopada 2014 r. u spravi № 5024/1780/2011 pro bankrutstvo Komunalnoho pidpryiemstva “Khersonkomunservis”. URL: ua/Review/41407626 (accessed: 30.04.2018) (in Ukrainian). 



Authored books 
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10. Stepanov A, Preduprezhdenye bankrotstva v ramkakh proizvodstva po delu o bankrotstve: Teoryia i praktika [Bankruptcy Prevention in the Framework of Bankruptcy Proceedings: Theory and Practice] (KNT 2008) (in Russian). 

11. Kantser Yu, ‘Privlechenie k subsidiarnoy otvetstvennosti kontroliruyuschih dolzhnika lits v ramkah dela o bankrotstve’ [‘Involvement of Persons Supervising the Debtor in the Framework of the Bankruptcy Case to Subsidiary Responsibility’] (2011) 4 Obschestvo: politika, ekonomika, pravo 132 (in Russian). 
12. Podtserkovnyi O, ‘Shchodo pytan pro systemnu pobudovu vykliuchen z prava bankrutstv ta poperedzhennia umysnoho spysannia borhiv’ [‘On the Issue of the Systematic Construction of Bankruptcy Foreclosures and the Prevention of Deliberate Write-offs of Debts’] (2011) 1 Sanatsiia ta bankrutstvo 102 (in Ukrainian). 
13. Rieznikova V, ‘Vidpovidalnist u hospodarskomu protsesi za zlovzhyvannia protsesualnymy pravamy ta zakhody protsesualnoho prymusu’ [‘Responsibility in the Economic Process for Abuse of Procedural Rights and Measures of Procedural Coercion’] (2017) 9 Pravo Ukrainy 101 (in Ukrainian). 

14. Hrabovan L, ‘Pohashennia vymoh kredytoriv u protseduri bankrutstva’ [‘Repayment of Claims by Creditors in the Bankruptcy Procedure’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Natsionalnyi universytet “Odeska yurydychna akademiia” 2017) 181 (in Ukrainian). 

15. Struts M, ‘Bankrutstvo ta vidpovidalnist vlasnykiv ahropidpryiemstv vlasnym mainom’ (IMG Partners, 14 Liutyi 2018) [‘Bankruptcy and Liability of Owners of Agricultural Enterprises by Own Property’] accessed 30 April 2018 (in Ukrainian). 


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