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Article On the Specifics of Bankruptcy Proceedings Regarding Certain Categories of Debtors
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2018
Pages 130 - 142

The task of creating a modern legislation which complies with today’s realities and aims at effectively standardizing the bankruptcy relations in Ukraine, and the task of forming the national theory of bankruptcy law involve an urgent need to address a wide range of issues arising, in particular, from the specifics of legal regulation of procedural and material relations in bankruptcy, given the presence of specific parties. The specific legal status of these parties ensues primarily from the peculiarities of their place in our country’s economy in general, its individual administrative territorial units, the area of economic activity, and social and other factors, in particular. The purpose of the article is to analyze the provisions of current legislation which govern the procedural relations in bankruptcy involving certain categories of debtors; to research into the provisions based on bankruptcy law dogma and targeted at the issues relating to standardization of the legal status of debtors with social and other value; and to present the author’s own vision of the lines for improvement of respective bankruptcy law provisions, and in such way to contribute to the overcoming of the problems present in national legislation and to ensure the implementation of its provisions in practice. The article establishes that the most difficult task is to make a correct choice of the appropriate mechanism and legal regulation means which are designated for keeping the debtor in operation and maintaining the balance of interests of participants to bankruptcy proceedings, and which should be applied to a particular debtor with due regard for its economic situation and specifics of operation, and which meet the goals and objectives of bankruptcy legislation. For this reason, these issues require further research. The article demonstrates that in view of the current economic situation in our country, it is crucial that we have legislatively entrenched provisions regulating the specifics of proceedings for certain categories of debtors, but also that they comply with today’s realities. The author comes to the conclusion that security and stability of national economy directly depends on the differentiation of legal regulation of procedural relations in bankruptcy related to the existing specifics of their standardization in respect of certain categories of debtors. Today one of the main and most urgent areas where bankruptcy law should develop is to work out and introduce into Ukrainian bankruptcy legislation the provisions standardizing the implementation of bankruptcy proceedings applied to special categories of debtors.


Keywords bankruptcy proceedings; bankruptcy relations; debtors with social and other value

List of legal documents 

1. Hospodarskyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Economic Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 16 sichnia 2003 r. № 436-IV. URL: laws/show/436-15 (accessed: 06.06.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
2. Hospodarskyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 6 lystopada 1991 r. № 1798-XII (u red. z 15 hrudnia 2017 r.). URL: (accessed: 25.05.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
3. Hospodarskyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 6 lystopada 1991 r. № 1798-XII. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 1992. № 6. St. 56 (in Ukrainian). 
4. Pro mistseve samovriaduvannia v Ukraini [On Local Self-Government in Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 25 travnia 1997 r. № 280/97-VR. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 1997. № 24. St. 170 (in Ukrainian). 
5. Pro pryvatyzatsiiu derzhavnoho i komunalnoho maina [On Privatization of the State and Communal Property]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 18 sichnia 2018 r. № 2269-VIII. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2018. № 12. St. 68 (in Ukrainian). 
6. Pro vidnovlennia platospromozhnosti borzhnyka abo vyznannia yoho bankrutom [On Restoring Debtor’s Solvency or Declaring Bankrupt]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 4 travnia 1992 r. № 2343-XII. URL: show/2343-12 (accessed: 25.05.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
7. Pro vnesennia zmin do Zakonu Ukrainy “Pro bankrutstvo” [On Amending the Law of Ukraine “On Bankruptcy”]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 30 chervnia 1999 r. № 784-XIV. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 1999. № 42-43. St. 378 (in Ukrainian). 
8. Tsyvilnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Civil Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 16 sichnia 2003 r. № 435-IV. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2003. № 40-44. St. 356 (in Ukrainian). 

9. Pro ofitsiine tlumachennia polozhen ch. 8 st. 5 Zakonu Ukrainy “Pro vidnovlennia platospromozhnosti borzhnyka abo vyznannia yoho bankrutom” (sprava shchodo kredytoriv pidpryiemstv komunalnoi vlasnosti) [On the Official Interpretation of the Provisions of Part 8, Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On Restoring Debtor’s Solvency or Declaring Bankrupt” (Case of Creditors of Communally Owned Enterprises)]: Rishennia Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy u spravi za konstytutsiinym zvernenniam VAT “K” [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the Case Following the Constitutional Application of JSC “K”] vid 20 chervnia 2007r. № 5-rp 2007 (2008) 2-3 Sanatsiia ta bankrutstvo 10-15 (in Ukrainian). 



Authored books 
10. Apanasenko K, Pravo komunalnoi vlasnosti: hospodarsko-pravovyi aspekt [Communal Ownership Right: Economic and Legal Aspect] (Slovo 2010) (in Ukrainian). 
11. Butyrska I, Pravovyi status uchasnykiv spravy pro bankrutstvo [Legal Status of Participants to Bankruptcy Proceedings] (Tekhnodruk 2017) (in Ukrainian). 
12. Vovk D, Bankrotstvo predpryiatyia: protsedura [Enterprise Bankruptcy: Procedure] (Faktor 2009) (in Russian). 

Journal articles 
13. Kamsha N, ‘Problemni pytannia shchodo rozghliadu sprav pro bankrutstvo, provadzhennia u yakykh porusheno za novoiu redaktsiieiu Zakonu Ukrainy “Pro vidnovlennia platospromozhnosti borzhnyka abo vyznannia yoho bankrutom” [‘Challenging Issues of Consideration of Bankruptcy Cases Commenced under the Amended Law of Ukraine “On Restoring Debtor’s Solvency or Declaring Bankrupt”’] (2014) 3-4 Sanatsiia ta bankrutstvo 190 (in Ukrainian). 
14. Poliakov B, ‘Pomylky zakonodavtsia v Zakoni Ukrainy “Pro vidnovlennia platospromozhnosti borzhnyka abo vyznannia yoho bankrutom”’ [‘Legislator’s Mistakes in the Law of Ukraine “On Restoring Debtor’s Solvency or Declaring Bankrupt”’] (2006) 3 Pravo Ukrainy 100 (in Ukrainian). 
15. Ustymenko V ta Dzhabrailov R, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia bankrutstva komunalnykh pidpryiemstv’ [‘Legal Regulation of Bankruptcy of Communal Enterprises’] (2007) 5 Pravo Ukrainy 50-51 (in Ukrainian). 

16. Dzhun V, ‘Pro neobkhidnist zminy pravovoho rezhymu v konkursnomu pravi Ukrainy’ [‘On the Need to Change the Legal Regime in Competition Law of Ukraine’] (Vseukrainska samovriadna orhanizatsiia fakhivtsiv konkursnoho protsesu) accessed 30 May 2018 (in Ukrainian). 


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