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Article The Jurisdictional Element of the Right of Access to Court in Cases of Property Right Protection
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2018
Pages 177 - 197

The jurisdictional component of the right of access to court is of crucial importance since due to legal uncertainty of the criteria for delimiting the competence of courts of different types the conventional right to a fair trial becomes illusory preconditioning the situation where one and the same case may be admitted for consideration by different courts, or courts of different jurisdictions may refuse to open proceedings as requested by a person because of different approaches to the understanding of court jurisdiction. As can be seen from the analysis of court practice, the largest number of “conflicts” arises in respect of determining the jurisdiction of property right protection cases, in particular, those involving entities vested with power. The update of procedural legislation has had a positive impact on the elaboration of respective criteria and allowed to specify more precisely the jurisdiction of cases in which property right is protected. The purpose of the article is to describe the criteria for determining an appropriate court as a prerequisite of the right of access to court in cases involving property right protection. A request for protection of a private right, even if an entity vested with power participates in the case, does not come within administrative jurisdiction and, depending on the parties, should be decided within the framework of civil or economic jurisdiction. The criteria for delimiting court jurisdiction are the following: parties, nature of disputable legal relations and the purpose of legal recourse. In personam jurisdiction of an economic court is determined using two different approaches – it covers all of the disputes arising in connection with economic activities, and other cases come under this jurisdiction only if this is provided for by law. For delimiting economic and administrative jurisdiction, the crucial factor is the subject matter of a case, i.e., the nature of disputed legal relations. A prerequisite for administrative jurisdiction is a dispute with an entity vested with power which in such disputed legal relations exercises the functions of administration through power. Acts of public authorities or local self-government bodies which implement the will of the State or a territorial community as a party to relations at civil law and which are the basis for the onset, change and termination of civil rights and obligations, are not legal acts of administration, and disputes regarding their appeal are of a private law nature. This approach facilitates correct identification of proper respondents and compliance with the rules of in personam jurisdiction. Statutory regulation of the limits of economic jurisdiction of investigated cases ensures legal certainty in implementation of the right of access to court.


Keywords right of access to court; court; established by law; in personam jurisdiction; relations at private law; entity vested with power

List of legal documents Legislation 

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Authored books 
30. Bryntsev O, Rozmezhuvannia kompetentsii administratyvnykh i hospodarskykh sudiv: problemy ta perspektyvy [Delimitation of Competence of Administrative and Economic Courts: Issues and Prospects] (Pravo 2007) (in Ukrainian). 
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Journal articles 
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36. Viktorchuk M, ‘Rozmezhuvannia yurysdyktsii administratyvnykh i hospodarskykh sudiv v Ukraini’ [‘Delimitation of Competence of Administrative and Economic Courts in Ukraine’] (2016) 3 Naukovyi chasopys Natsionalnoi akademii prokuratury Ukrainy 50 (in Ukrainian). 

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