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Article The State as a Subject of Legal Responsibility to an Individual in the Criminal Process
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2018
Pages 15 - 33

The article focuses on the modern theoretical, statutory and regulatory, and pragmatic prerequisites for the doctrinal recognition of the State as a subject of legal responsibility to an individual in the criminal process. The obligation of the State to be responsible to an individual for its actions is formulated in Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine; however, this issue is actually disregarded in scientific research: the theory of the State as a legal entity under public law is still underdeveloped, and thus there is no concept of legal responsibility of the State in general and in the criminal process in particular; and there is no elaboration of the theoretical model of the legal mechanism by which officials may be made responsible if they commit criminal procedural offenses, by recourse to the State. All this, as well as other issues, hinder the timely improvement of legislation and, consequently, complicate the implementation of the constitutional right of an individual to indemnification of the damage caused by the State’s bodies and officials. The purpose of the article is to provide a doctrinal rationale for the theoretical provisions of the State as a legal entity under public law and its legal responsibility to an individual in the criminal process, and their implementation in relevant legislation. Based on the critical analysis of legislation and literary sources, the authors formulate the main theses of the article as follows: the State as a legal entity under public law acts as a subject of law and legal responsibility to an individual, and this establishes, guarantees and ensures the observance of human rights, and if they are breached – reinstates them and indemnifies for its guilt; legal responsibility of the rule-of-law State to an individual as a constitutional principle is not fully specified in the criminal procedural legislation; legal responsibility has a public law nature, and therefore the initiative of indemnification for the damage caused by bodies and officials of the State should come, in the first place, from the subjects which caused the damage; the State’s responsibility to its citizens is realized through a system of bilateral legal relations according to the following scheme: the State is responsible to an individual, and an official vested with functional powers is responsible to the State in case of improper implementation of such powers. Given the provisions presented in the article, the authors arrive at the conclusions that there is an urgent need to develop a holistic scientific doctrine of the State’s legal responsibility to an individual, with due regard for its characteristics in the criminal process. This involves a scientific development of theoretical models of essential elements to offenses under criminal procedure law in accordance with their social danger and consequences for human rights, where such offences are committed by the subjects vested with power, for the sake of individualization of legal responsibility in criminal and administrative legislation. Based on the elaborated theoretical structure, the authors suggest that the comprehensive law “On Responsibility of the State for Damage Caused to an Individual” be adopted. Rehabilitation is the form via which the State’s legal responsibility to an individual is implemented in the criminal process, and legislative provisions regarding rehabilitation should be enshrined in the CCrP of Ukraine. This will allow to eliminate the declarative nature and uncertainty of some provisions of legislation and to introduce an efficient mechanism for the protection of human rights against the arbitrariness of public officials.


Keywords the State, legal responsibility of the State, criminal process, human rights, legal relations “the State – an individual”, rehabilitation

List of legal documents 

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Authored books 
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Edited books 
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Journal articles 
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Thesis abstracts 
17. Cherepanova O, ‘Realizacija principa vzaimnoj otvetstvennosti gosudarstva i lichnosti (voprosy teorii)’ [‘Implementation of the Principle of Mutual Responsibility of the State and a Person (Theory)’] (avtoref dis kand jurid nauk, Akad upravlenija MVD 2012) (in Russian). 
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19. Huseinov L, ‘Vidpovidalnist derzhav za porushennia mizhnarodnykh zobov’iazan u haluzi prav liudyny’ [‘Responsibility of the States for Breach of International Human Rights Commitments’] (avtoref dys d-ra yuryd nauk, In-t derzh i prava im V M Koretskoho NAN Ukrainy 2000) (in Ukrainian). 
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23. Agadzhanov A, ‘Juridicheskaja otvetstvennost’ gosudarstva kak garantija zakonnosti: problemy teorii i praktiki v Rossijskoj Federacii’ [‘Legal Responsibility of the State as a Guarantee of Legality: Issues of Theory and Practice in the Russian Federation’] (dis kand jurid nauk, Juzhno-Ural’skij gos un-t 2006) (in Russian). 
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Newspaper articles 
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