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Article Information Security of the European Union Countries: Challenges and Prospects of Legal Regulation
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2018
Pages 195 - 203

The article analyzes current international legal instruments designated for ensuring information security of countries of the European Union (hereinafter – EU). The author examines the internal European legislation providing for legal regulation of the mentioned problematics. The article also characterizes legal mechanisms regulating international relations in the information security domain. It is emphasized that in the European space there is a real danger that information and communication technologies may be used for terrorist purposes, in particular, for terrorist attacks. It is also noted that there is a high probability that a powerful and efficient service of Internet propaganda and Internet recruitment may be established given the absence of cyber aggression combating measures and mechanisms which would be harmonized and common for the whole Europe. The author points out that today some countries (especially the Russian Federation) tend to dominate in the world information space, thus hindering the efficient cooperation of Ukraine with civilized European States, and also posing threats to the constitutional rights and freedoms of human and citizen, the information support of the State policy, the development of the national information industry, and the security of information media and systems. The article highlights the need to “re-focus” the law-making activities towards developing a conceptual mechanism and defining the main types of threats and the goal, objectives and priorities of international information security assurance by adoption of special laws, and not only by international agreements and draft international conventions. The author stresses that the development and implementation of international and national programs aimed at creating information networks and information technologies based on an ongoing introduction of computer and communication equipment and telecommunications systems is a key task of Ukraine’s entry into the international information community. The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges and prospects of information security legal regulation in the EU countries and on this basis to develop scientifically substantiated proposals to the information legislation of Ukraine.


Keywords legal regulation, legislative framework, information security, Internet propaganda and Internet recruitment, threats to information security, information and communication technologies

List of legal documents 

1. Deklaratsiia Rady Yevropy pro yevropeisku polityku v haluzi novykh informatsiinykh tekhnolohii vid 06.05.1999. [Council of Europe Declaration on the European Policy for New Information Technologies Dated 06.05.1999]. URL: laws/show/994_040 (accessed: 25.04.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
2. Konventsiia Rady Yevropy pro kiberzlochynnist vid 23.11.2001 р. [Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime Dated 23.11.2001]. URL: show/994_575 (accessed: 11.05.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
3. Okinavska khartiia hlobalnoho informatsiinoho suspilstva vid 22.06.2000 [The Okinawa Charter on the Global Information Society Dated 22.06.2000]. URL: (accessed: 25.04.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
4. Pro arkhivuvannia elektronnykh dokumentiv u pravovii sferi: Rekomendatsiia № Rec (2003) 15 Komitetu ministriv Rady Yevropy derzhavam-chlenam vid 09.09.2003 р. [On Archiving of Electronic Documents in the Legal Sector: Recommendation No. Rec (2003) 15 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Member States Dated 09.09.2003]. URL: (accessed: 11.05.2018) (in Ukrainian).

5. Pro svobodu vyrazhennia pohliadiv ta informatsii: Deklaratsiia Komitetu ministriv Rady Yevropy vid 29 kvitnia 1982 р. [On the Freedom of Expression and Information: Declaration of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Dated April 29, 1982]. URL: (accessed: 25.04.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
6. Statut Mizhnarodnoho soiuzu elektrozv’iazku vid 06.11.1998 р. [Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union Dated 06.11.1998] URL: http://zakon0.rada. (accessed: 10.04.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
7. Vykorystannia standartu Orhanizatsii Ob’iednanykh Natsii dlia elektronnoho obminu danymy v upravlinni, torhivli ta na transporti (EDIFAKT OON): Rekomendatsiia № 25 Yevropeiskoi ekonomichnoi komisii OON vid 01.09.1996 р. [Use of the United Nations Standard for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT): UN Economic Commission for Europe Recommendation No. 25 Dated 01.09.1996]. URL: (accessed: 11.05.2018) (in Ukrainian).


8. O Shevchuk, ‘Administratyvno-pravove rehuliuvannia u sferi zabezpechennia informatsiinoi bezpeky’ [‘Administrative and Legal Regulation in the Information Security Assurance Sector’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Klasychnyi pryvatnyi universytet, 2011) 210. (in Ukrainian). 


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