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Article Topical Issues of Filing and Adjudicating a Civil Action in Criminal Proceedings: System Analysis
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2018
Pages 34 - 47

Part 5, Article 128 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine (hereinafter – the CCrP of Ukraine) provides that a court should consider a civil action within criminal proceedings according to the rules established by the CCrP of Ukraine. If the procedural relations ensuing from a civil action are not regulated by the CCrP of Ukraine, such relations fall under the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine (hereinafter – the CCP of Ukraine), provided that they do not contradict the basic principles of the criminal court procedure. Given the new amended CCP of Ukraine dated October 03, 2017 which has regulated a number of new institutes of civil procedure law, in particular, respondent’s statement, response to respondent’s statement, objection, etc., as well as modern judicial practice, currently a need has arisen for a detailed scientific and practical analysis of the limits within which the provisions of the CCP of Ukraine may be applied to the filing, consideration and adjudication of a civil action within criminal proceedings, and also of challenging and conflict issues arising during implementation of the provisions of Ukraine’s CCP in criminal proceedings. The purpose of our study is to analyze the scientific sources and case law which demonstrate the challenging systemic issues pertaining to the application of the provisions of Ukraine’s CCP to the filing, consideration and adjudication of a civil action within criminal proceedings, the provisions of current legislation of Ukraine, and also to provide rationale for possible solutions to the challenging issues relating to the exercise by victims, civil claimants and civil respondents of their rights. The article analyzes the public nature of a civil action within criminal proceedings and emphasizes its legal nature as a positive obligation of the State. The authors indicate the specifics of conflicts and gaps in the provisions of law present in current judicial practice of filing and adjudicating a civil action in criminal proceedings. The article provides rationale for scientific and practical proposals to the practice of application of the provisions of Ukraine’s Code of Civil Procedure in case of filing and adjudicating a civil action in criminal proceedings and for amendments to legislation. It is established that the practice when courts apply provisions of the Law of Ukraine on Court Fees while adjudicating a civil action in criminal proceedings is erroneous and contrary to current legislation. At the same time, application by courts of provisions of Ukraine’s CCP regarding respondent’s statement, response to respondent’s statement, objection and explanation of third party in respect of statement of claim or respondent’s statement is consistent with the principles of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine and is also aimed at the exercise of rights, freedoms and interests of civil claimant and civil respondent, and is of positive nature. The authors emphasize that currently there is a need to incorporate Part 8 to Article 128 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine as follows: “Civil claimant and civil respondent shall be exempt from paying court fees when a civil action is adjudicated in criminal proceedings by courts of all levels”, and to restate cl. 6, Part 1, Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine on Court Fees: “6) claimants - in legal actions for indemnification of pecuniary and moral damages caused as a result of a criminal offence committed;”.


Keywords civil action; criminal proceedings; positive obligation of the State; court fees; statement of response

List of legal documents 

1. Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Criminal Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 05 kvitnia 2001 r . № 2341-ІІІ. URL: show/2341-14 (accessed: 30.08.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
2. Kryminalnyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 13.04.2012 № 4651-VI URL:–17 (accessed: 30.08.2018) (in Ukrainian). 
3. Poiasniuvalna zapyska do proektu Zakonu Ukrainy “Pro sudovyi zbir” [Explanatory Note to the Draft Law of Ukraine on Court Fees] URL: zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=39393 (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
4. Tsyvilnyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 18.03.2004 р. № 1618-IV URL: http://zakon. (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
5. Pro sudovyi zbir [On Court Fees]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 8 lypnia 
2011 р. № 3674-VI. URL: (accessed: 
30.08.2018) (in Ukrainian). 

6. Ukhvala Buskoho raionnoho sudu Lvivskoi oblasti vid 14 serpnia 2018 r. Sprava № 440/1368/18 [Ruling of Buskyi District Court of Lviv Region Dated August 14, 2018 Case No. 440/1368/18] URL: (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
7. Ukhvala Romenskoho miskraionnoho sudu Sumskoi oblasti vid 16 serpnia 2018 r. Sprava № 585/3036/18 [Ruling of Romenskyi Town and District Court of Sumy Region Dated August 16, 2018, Case No. 585/3036/18] URL: Review/75911353 (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
8. Ukhvala Solonianskoho raionnoho sudu Dnipropetrovskoi oblasti vid 20 serpnia 2018 r. Sprava № 192/511/18[Ruling of Solonianskyi District Court of Dnipropetrovsk Region Dated August 20, 2018, Case № 192/511/18] URL: Review/75953000 (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
9. Vyrok Avtozavodskoho raionnoho sudu m. Kremenchuka Poltavskoi oblasti vid 09 lystopada 2012 r. Sprava № 1601/8759/2012 r [Sentence of Avtozavodskyi District Court of Kremenchuk Town of Poltava Region Dated November 09, 2012 Case No. 1601/8759/2012] URL: (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
10. Vyrok Kramatorskoho miskoho sudu vid 21 serpnia 2018 r. Sprava № 234/4128/18 [Sentence of Kramatorskyi Town Court Dated August 21, 2018 Case No. 234/4128/18] URL: (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
11. Vyrok Ordzhonikidzevskoho raionnoho sudu m. Kharkova vid 21 serpnia 2018 r. Sprava № 644/4694/18 [Sentence of Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Kharkiv City Dated 
21.08.2018 Case № 644/4694/18] URL: (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
12. Vyrok Starosambirskoho raionnoho sudu Lvivskoi oblasti vid 12 travnia 2016 r. Sprava № 455/1064/15-k [Sentence of Starosambirskyi District Court of Lviv Region Dated May 12, 2016 Case No. 455/1064/15-k] URL: Review/57630860 (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
13. Vyrok Volodymyretskoho raionnoho sudu Rivnenskoi oblasti vid 23 serpnia 2018 . Sprava № 556/590/18 [Sentence of Volodymyretskyi District Court of Rivne Region Dated August 23, 2018 Case 556/590/18] URL: Review/76046098 (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 
14. Vyrok Zhytomyrskoho raionnoho sudu Zhytomyrskoi oblasti vid 20 chervnia 2017 r. Sprava № 278/682/17 [Sentence of Zhytomyrskyi District Court of Zhytomyr Region Dated June 20, 2017 Case № 278/682/17] URL: Review/67264317 (accessed: 30.08.2018) (In Ukrainian). 


Authored books 
15. Kuchynska O, Tolokolnikov S, Osoblyvosti protsesualnoho statusu yurydychnykh osib u kryminalnomu protsesi Ukrainy: teoriia i praktyka: monohrafiia [Specifics of the Legal Entity’s Procedural Status in the Criminal Process of Ukraine: Theory and Practice: monograph] (Alerta 2017) 168 (In Ukrainian). 

Journal articles 
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17. Khmelova N, ‘Umovy vidshkoduvannia shkody derzhavoiu fizychnii osobi, yaka poterpila vid kryminalnoho pravoporushennia’ [‘Conditions for Damage Indemnification by the State to an Individual Affected by a Criminal Offence’] (2015) 2 Teoriia i praktyka pravoznavstva 1-9 accessed 29.08.2018 (In Ukrainian). 
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19. Nor V, Khanas Kh, ‘Tsyvilnyi pozov u kryminalnomu protsesi Ukrainy ta inshykh krain kontynentalnoi systemy prava: porivnialna kharakterystyka’ [‘Civil Action in the Criminal Process of Ukraine and Other Countries of the Continental System of Law: Comparative Characteristic’] (2013) 2 Naukovyi visnyk Lvivskoho derzhavnoho universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav. seriia yurydychna 414-425(In Ukrainian).
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21. Timush I, ‘Poniattia ta sutnist instytutu vidshkoduvannia mainovoi ta moralnoi shkody fizychnii osobi, yaka poterpila vid kryminalnoho pravoporushennia’ [‘The Concept and Essence of the Institute of Pecuniary and Moral Damage Indemnification to an Individual Affected by a Criminal Offence’] (2015) 10 Yurydychna nauka 26-32 (In Ukrainian). 
22. Vasyliev V, ‘Mozhlyvist vidshkoduvannia (kompensatsii) moralnoi (nemainovoi) shkody osobi, yaka poterpila vid kryminalnoho pravoporushennia za rakhunok derzhavnoho biudzhetu Ukrainy’ [‘The Possibility of Moral (Non-Pecuniary) Damage Indemnification (Compensation) to an Individual Affected by a Criminal Offence at the Expense of the State Budget of Ukraine’] (2015) 13(2) Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia : Yurysprudentsiia 46-49 (In Ukrainian). 
23. Videnko Ye, ‘Tsyvilnyi pozov u kryminalnomu provadzhenni Ukrainy yak “instrument” zakhystu prav poterpilykh’ [‘Civil Action in Criminal Proceedings of Ukraine as a “Tool” for Protection of Victims’ Rights’] (2014) 5 Porivnialno-analitychne pravo 368-370 accessed 28.08.2018 (In Ukrainian). 

24. Tsyhaniuk Yu, ‘Tsyvilnyi pozov u kryminalnomu protsesi Ukrainy ta krain kontynentalnoi pravovoi systemy: porivnialno-pravove doslidzhennia’ [‘Civil Action in the Criminal Process of Ukraine and the Countries of the Continental System of Law:a Comparative Legal Study’] (dys kand yuryd nauk, Akademiia advokatury Ukrainy 2008) 206 (In Ukrainian). 

Newspaper articles 
25. Bortman O, ‘Tsyvilnyi pozov u kryminalnomu protsesi: okremi pytannia pravovoho rehuliuvannia’ [‘Civil Action in the Criminal Process: Some Issues of Legal Regulation’] (10 travnia 2016) 18-19 (516-517) Yurydychna hazeta 14-15 (In Ukrainian). 


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