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Article Covert Investigative (Detective) Actions as a Means of Obtaining Evidence: Specific Challenging Issues
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2018
Pages 85 - 106

According to the findings of the analysis of the investigative and court practice materials, the authors note that merely up to 5% of the results of covert investigative (detective) actions (hereinafter - CIDA) are used as evidence in the criminal process, and in some oblasts of Ukraine this figure barely reaches 3%. The authors conclude that one of the reasons for the low rate of CIDA results use as proof in the criminal process is the imperfection seen in the procedural form of certain covert means of obtaining evidence in criminal proceedings and, particularly, such CIDA as detention of correspondence, obtaining of information from transport telecommunication networks and monitoring of bank accounts which evoke the largest difficulties in the law application activities. The purpose of the study is to identify the challenging issues inherent in the procedural form of detention of correspondence, obtaining of information from transport telecommunication networks and monitoring of bank accounts as a means of obtaining evidence in the criminal process. The authors demonstrate that the provisions of Articles 261 and 262 of the Ukrainian Code of Criminal Procedure (hereinafter – the CCrP of Ukraine) prescribe the procedural arrangements for one CIDA – detention of correspondence. It is noted that the purpose for which this covert means is used– obtaining of evidence – may be achieved only by consistently making the detention, inspection, and if necessary – by seizure of correspondence, all of them in their entirety being the stages of making a relevant CIDA, the procedural arrangements for which are enshrined in several articles of the CCrP of Ukraine. The article proves that if criminal case materials contain sufficient grounds to believe that postal and telegraphic correspondence important for pre-trial investigation will be transferred by a certain person via a postal operator, before making the detention of such correspondence video monitoring of this person should be held with the aim of establishing a post office which will be used by the person. It is emphasized that the identification telecommunication card used to identify a subscriber’s terminal equipment in the telecommunications network (SIM-card, USIM-card, R-UIM-card, etc.), does not allow to identify a subscriber – a person using such a card, since today in Ukraine there is no legislative requirement to sign a written contract of mobile communication services. The article indicates that such a card may be changed and the terminal equipment may be used not only by the person regarding whom CIDA are made, but also by other persons, family members, friends, acquaintances, etc. Thus, as can be seen from the results of the practice materials analysis, it is virtually impossible to provide the data which would uniquely identify the subscriber and not the terminal equipment used by him/her. The authors suggest that the first sentence of Part 4, Article 263 of the CCrP of Ukraine be set forth as follows: “Obtaining of information from transport telecommunication networks shall be within the responsibility of the authorized units of the bodies of the National Police, the State Bureau of Investigation, security agencies and the National AntiCorruption Bureau of Ukraine”. The authors note the need for appropriate verification whether the bank accounts subject to monitoring are really held by a person who commits criminal acts using such accounts. The authors suggest making more specific the provisions of Part 1, Article 2691 of the CCrP of Ukraine and authorizing investigators (detectives) and prosecutors of any pre-trial investigation and prosecution bodies to monitor bank accounts within criminal proceedings.


Keywords cover investigative (detective) actions; means of obtaining evidence; proof in the criminal process; monitoring of bank accounts; obtaining of information from transport telecommunication networks; detention of correspondence

List of legal documents 

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Authored books 
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Edited books 
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