Article | Philosophy of Human Dignity in Law |
Authors |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2018 |
Pages | 14 - 28 |
Annotation | Human dignity is organically woven into the entire system of social relations; it is the starting point of a person’s place in society and at the same time the benchmark of a certain level of human dignity assurance recognized for the sake of existence and arrangement of society in general. The meaning of human dignity has always been measured by the extent of a person’s freedom within society, i.e., his/her capabilities and rights, while the quantity, content and scope of these rights are constantly changing along with changes and development of society. Human dignity is recognized by many States and by international law as the fundamental value and the source of human rights; however, not infrequently is it violated on a daily basis. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the gnosiological, ontological and axiological properties of human dignity, to formulate a holistic philosophical and legal approach for disclosure of its contents and its practical application as part of positive law. Following the analysis made, the author concludes that human dignity, after being introduced as a philosophical idea, has found its development in law as a principle of law (objective phenomenon) and a human right (subjective phenomenon). The fundamental nature of human dignity stems from the interrelation with human rights, particularly, its nature as the source of human rights and freedoms. At the same time, interpretation of human dignity as the source of human rights or the stem from which human rights emerge does not negate and even reinforces the subjective right to dignity of every human being (human dignity). Based on the analysis of modern scientific literature, positive law and its interpretation practice, the author offers additional arguments that the idea of human dignity should be associated with the value of a person and assessment of a person’s importance and place in society and the State. Moral and legal assessment is an important tool for modeling human behavior based on which the requirements to human actions are formed. These requirements are interiorized when they are underlain, first of all, by a person’s internal belief that they are useful, beneficial and valuable for him-/herself and for other persons. Thus, a person’s awareness of his/her value contributes to the setting up of his/her right to dignity (dignity of a human being). The concept of dignity of each human being contributes to the setting up of a “common catalogue of values” for the entire mankind, which eventually finds its manifestation as an objective principle of human dignity. The content and meaning of this principle change along with changing ideas about the place and importance of a person in society. At the same time, the principle of human dignity has an impact on everyone’s understanding of his/her dignity (the right to dignity). In such a manner the principle of human dignity and the human right to dignity are interrelated and influence each other, and this is also the way for their progressive development and expansion of contents in response to a changing social environment. The author suggests that human dignity be regarded as a self-value and social importance of a person which is determined by the existing level of social relations, the general social concepts of freedom, justice and equality, and which is a source of human rights and freedoms.
Keywords | human dignity; dignity of a human being; human rights and freedoms; principles of law; legal values; legal ideas |
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