Article | Human Dignity in the System of Constitutional Values |
Authors |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2018 |
Pages | 29 - 40 |
Annotation | Human dignity holds a high position in the system of constitutional values. Being the core of every constitutional right, it forms and translates the idea of a human being as a unique self-identified being who is not under the power of the State, and also forms respect for the inner world of a person, sets up his/her place in society and relations with the State. On its part, the right to respect for human dignity corresponds with the recognition of a person as the highest social value, thus making it impossible to interpret a human being instrumentally, merely as an object of the will of the State. The purpose of the article is to analyze human dignity in the system of constitutional values through the prism of historical determinants and today’s political and legal realities. Based on results of the analysis, the author marks out the main aspects allowing to interpret human dignity as an integrative category which determines the extent to which a person’s daily existence in a particular society is consistent with his/her nature and high predestination in the world. These aspects, inter alia, include: freedom as an opportunity to act freely according to one’s own will; adequate standard of living ensuring decent existence; possibility to make a choice in spiritual and intellectual terms, possibility to form one’s own worldview and spiritual world; and the aspect of human security and protection from encroachments, etc. Basically, almost in all constitutional systems, including ours, the right to respect for human dignity is absolute, just like the right to life. This means that the State may not impose any restrictions on the right to implementation of human dignity. Such restrictions may apply to other rights, with regard to which the restriction criteria have been set up by law. In particular, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine noted that restrictions on the exercise of constitutional rights and freedoms may not be arbitrary and unfair, they should be established exclusively by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, they should have a legitimate aim, be conditioned by the public need for achievement of this goal, be proportional and justified; in case of any restriction of a constitutional right or freedom, the legislator should introduce legal regulation which will make it possible to achieve the legitimate aim in the optimal manner with minimal interference in the exercise of such a right or freedom and which should not breach the essential content of this right. In fact, the core of every constitutional right is human dignity. As for restrictions, these criteria have been formulated implicitly. There are also explicit restrictions which are recorded in the text of the Constitution. This refers to the laws which impose restrictions and interfere with human rights. This is the main burden of a constitutional complaint – to assess the laws which restrict human rights. Here we mean the implementation of human rights, this being the essential core of law without which it cannot be a right, and whether certain laws do not attack this core. Instead, human dignity is something without which a human cannot be a human.
Keywords | human dignity; right to respect for human dignity; constitutional values; human rights and freedoms |
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