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Compensation for moral injury is one of the most controversial issues in modern civil law science. As a result of imperfection of the provisions governing the legal relations under study and inconsistency of the case law relating to the application thereof, currently there are different approaches to determining the amount of compensation for moral injury and, consequently, the compensation mechanisms are imperfect. Therefore, finding a solution to the theoretical and practical aspects of this issue is crucial for assuring the rights and legitimate interests of individuals. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate various scientific standpoints and law application practice with regard to determining the amount of compensation for moral injury and to present the ways of improving the mechanism of compensation for moral injury. The article examines the essence of the concept “moral injury“, in particular, the author expands on the essence of the category “suffering”, describes various methods proposed by scholars to determine the amount of moral injury to be compensated, and also describes the approach used by the European Court of Human Rights regarding this issue. The author proves that “moral injury” should cover negative consequences of nonproperty nature sustained by an individual as a result of physical, mental, moral and/or social suffering inflicted upon him/her and relating to breach of his/her rights or legally protected interests, or to a threat that such behavior may occur. Following an analysis of legal literature and case law, the author proposes own methods for monetary compensation of moral injury based on the approach according to which the amount of compensation for moral injury is determined in a comprehensive manner comprising several levels: the first one is “general” (guaranteed) level and the second one – “expert” level. The article also describes the initial criterion for determining the moral injury subject to compensation (this can be a midrange level of social guarantees), and a list of corrective factors which are the factors having an impact on the amount of moral injury. |
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