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Article Recodification of the Civil Code of Ukraine: Driving Factors and Prerequisites for the Launch

Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2019
Pages 27 - 41

The article aims at ascertaining the presence or “maturity” of certain factors and prerequisites for launching the process of recodification of the Civil Code of Ukraine (Ukraine’s CC). Using the term “recodification”, the author means systemic essential substantive and structural innovations to the current code (or a group of codes and laws), without creating a new one. The need for recodification of Ukraine’s CC has arisen given the logic of a further transformation of society, namely the building of an honest and effective market economy as an integral part of civil society. Today, Ukraine’s orientation towards the European integration is also the most significant factor of reforms in all sectors of society. We can even say that the main target of Ukraine’s CC recodification is further “Europeanization” of the Code. A global (especially European) trend towards unification and harmonization of private law regulation has become the key factor in the modern recodification of civil codes of many countries, including Ukraine. Through the efforts of hundreds of European experts, the most optimal legal rules (solutions) suitable on an around-the-globe basis have been found for many areas of relations under private law. Such rules/solutions have been embodied in numerous international instruments aimed at private law unification. Given the current qualitative state of the latter, we can come to the conclusion that the international model of reforms is “matured” enough to be a factor of recodification. Another important factor calling for recodification of Ukraine’s CC are the latest reforms of private law in the European Union countries, in particular, development and adoption of new codes and laws, modernization of the “old” civil law codifications in the light of European and universal international instruments. Today, the ability of the national doctrine of civil (private) law to “take the lead of” and provide the scientific framework for the reformation process becomes a necessary prerequisite for generating the concept and the normative text of the recodification draft of Ukraine’s CC. Noting the inconsistency of some parameters of the national civil law science with the European approaches, the author believes that in general it is “capable” of ensuring the process of Ukraine’s CC recodification. As for its extent, in the author’s opinion, systemic essential changes and structural innovations take place not only in the sections of the law of obligations, but also in all books of the Code.


Keywords recodification of the Civil Code; targets, factors and prerequisites of recodification; international instruments for the unification of private law; reforms of private law in the European Union countries; national doctrine of civil law

List of legal documents

  1. Tsyvilnyi kodeks Ukrainy [The Civil Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 16 sichnia 2003 r. № 435-IV (accessed: 24.12.2018) (in Ukrainian). 


Authored books 
2. Zimmerman R, The new German law of obligations. Historical and comparative perspective (Oxford University press 2005) (in English). 
3. Belikova K, Pravovoe regulirovanie torgovogo oborota i kodifikatsiia chastnogo prava v stranah Latinskoi Ameriki [Legal Regulation of Trade Turnover and Private Law Codification in Latin America Countries] (Yustitsinform 2010) (in Russian). 
4. Dovgert A, Suchasni pryvatnopravovi reformy v Ukraini z ogliadu na formuvannia vsesvitniotsyvilnogo prava [Modern Private Law Reforms in Ukraine in the Context of Forming the Global Civil Law] (Academiia pravovyh nauk Ukrainy 2009) (in Ukrainian). 
5. Kabriiak R, Kodifikatsii [Codifications] (Statut 2007) (in Russian). 
6. Kharitonov E, Ukraina – Evropa: problema adaptatsii u galuzi pryvatnogo prava [Ukraine- Europe: Adaptation Issues in the Private Law Sector] (Feniks 2017) (in Ukrainian). 
7. Zahvataev V, Kodeks Napoleona [The Code of Napoleon] (Alerta 2016) (in Russian). 

Edited books 
8. Lavicky P and Hurdik J (ed), Private Law Reform (Brno 2014) (in English). 
9. Dudchenko V, ‘Zagalni pryntsypy kodyfikatsii’ [‘General Principles of Codification’] v Kivalov S (red), Naukovi pratsi Odeskoi natsionalnoi yurydychnoi akademii [Academic Papers of Odessa National Academy of Law], t 8 (Yurid l-ra 2009) (in Ukrainian). 
10. Dovgert A, ‘Teoretychni zasady suchasnoi kodyfikatsii tsyvilnogo prava Ukrainy’ [‘Theoretical Bases of Modern Codification of Ukraine’s Civil Law] v Kuznetsova N (red), Pravova systema Ukrainy: istoriia, stan ta perspektyvy [Legal System of Ukraine: History, State and Prospects], t 3 (Pravo 2008) (in Ukrainian). 
11. – –, ‘Kodyfikatsiia tsyvilnogo prava nezalezhnoi Ukrainy – vazhlyvyi etap rozvytku tsyvilistychnoi doctryny’ [‘Codification of Civil Law of Independent Ukraine – an Important Stage in the Development of Civil Doctrine’] v Kuznetsova N (red), Pravova doctryna Ukrainy [Legal Doctrine of Ukraine], t 3 (Pravo 2013) (in Ukrainian). 
12. – –, Kodyfikatsiia pryvatnogo (tsyvilnogo) prava Ukrainy [Codification of Private (Civil) Law of Ukraine] (Ukrainska pravnycha fundatsiia 2000) (in Ukrainian). 
13. Kharitonov E (red), Tsyvilne zakonodavstvo Ukrainy (osnovni kategorii, pryntsypy ta kontsepty): monohrafiia [Civil Legislation of Ukraine (Main Categories, Principles and Concepts): Monograph] (Feniks 2012) (in Ukrainian). 

Journal articles 
14. Alenaru K, ‘Reforma grazhdanskogo prava v Rumynii’ [‘Civil Law Reform in Romania’] (2011) 1 Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava 279-290 (in Russian). 
15. Antonenko V, ‘Kodyfikatsiia iak samostiina forma systematizatsii pravovyh dzherel’ [‘Codification as a Stand-Alone Form of Legal Sources Systematization’] (2009) 3 Forum prava 35-42 (in Ukrainian). 
16. Dovgert A, ‘Pro pidgotovku proektu Tsivilnogo kodeksu Ukrainy’ ‘On Working out of the Draft Civil Code of Ukraine’ (1997) 1 Ukrainske pravo 110-116 (in Ukrainian). 
17. – –, ‘Pro zblyzhennia doktryn tsyvilnogo prava v Ukraini ta zahidnoevropeiskyh krain’ [‘On the Convergence of Civil Law Doctrines in Ukraine and Western European Countries’ (2017) 27 Chasopys tsyvilistyky 178-83 (in Ukrainian). 
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20. Suhanov E, ‘Vostochnoevropeyskie kodifikatsii grazhdanskogo i torgovogo prava’ [‘Eastern European Codifications of Civil and Merchant Law’] (2012) 5 Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava 199-229 (in Russian). 
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Thesis abstracts 
23. Kharitonov E, ‘Retseptsyia rymskogo pryvatnogo prava: teoretychni ta istorykopravovi aspecty’ [‘Reception of Roman Private Law: Theoretical, Historical and Legal Aspects’] (avtoref dys d-ra yuryd nauk, Odeska natsionalna yurydychna akademiia 1997) (in Ukrainian). 

24. Jurcova M, ‘Re-codification of Slovak Civil Law’ (accessed: 21.12.2018) (in English). 
25. ‘Reform Bill on Civil Liability (March 2017). Presented on the 13 March, 2017 by Jean- Jacques Urvoas, garde des sceaux, Minister of Justice following a public consultation undertaken between April and July 2016’ (accessed: 21.01.2019) (in English).

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