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Article Dogmatic Orientation of the Methodology for Forming the Modern National Doctrine of Private Law
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2019
Pages 42 - 57

Legal methodology is of paramount importance for ensuring a comprehensive research of the civil-law matter, since using the entirety of available methods well-proven in jurisprudence leads to the highest-quality study of each specific area of the civil-law domain. For its part, if conclusions and recommendations which rest upon the civillaw science are taken into account at the legislative level, this makes possible a further improvement in the respective segments of the national civil-law regulation mechanism. Irrespective a rather well-elaborated methodology for interpretation of statutory and regulatory enactments at the level of the instrumental theory of law and the existing academic papers focused on the methods of interpreting contracts, the mechanism for identifying the deep essence of most other acts of self-regulation as a variety of privatelaw texts is not sufficiently developed in civil law. Furthermore, the possibility of using a uniform standard set of methods for understanding of the phenomena existing in civillaw reality, irrespective of the specifics of the subject-matter under research, remains an underexplored issue. This article attempts at substantiating the methodological feasibility of using hermeneutics for scientific research in civil-law science as one of the main methods in the dogmatic area. The authors show that, ideally, modern research in civil-law science should be underpinned by three possible levels of scientific cognition: dogmatic, sociological and axiological. It is demonstrated that the dogmatic level implies a research into the provisions of positive law contained in the acts of civil legislation of Ukraine, the regulations making up the content of legal customs and other sources of civil law, as well as the provisions of contracts, statutes, regulations and other internal documents of legal entities. Their comprehensive study is made using the methods of legal hermeneutics, with due regard for the actual needs for regulation and the will expressed in a legal rule. The authors prove that using the hermeneutical approach to study the civil-law reality allows identifying systemic problems in the organization of legal work of specific participants to relations under civil law, and also to elaborate on the proposals for its improvement and outline the ways to the intended goals through more efficient methods. It is shown that from the perspective of making a research in the civil-law domain, the heuristic potential of this method implies obtaining information about the author’s meaning of a text and about the purposes which the text can be used for. In scientific research, such a result should be intermediate, provide the basis for a scholar’s reflections on legal phenomena and serve as a pretext for identifying problems in the adequacy of presentation of factual circumstances.


Keywords methods of legal research; legal text; hermeneutics; interpretation; interpretation of statutory and regulatory enactments

List of legal documents 
1. Tsyvilnyi kodeks Ukrainy [Civil Code of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy [the Law of Ukraine] vid 16 sichnia 2003 r. № 435-IV. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2003. № 40-44. St. 356 (in Ukrainian). 


Authored books 
2. Asknazij S, Osnovnye voprosy teorii socialisticheskogo grazhdanskogo prava [Main Issues of the Theory of Socialist Civil Law] (Statut 2008) (in Russian). 
3. Danylian O ta Dzoban O, Orhanizatsiia ta metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen [Organization and Methodology of Scientific Research] (Pravo 2017) (in Ukrainian). 
4. Krasavchikov O, Sovetskaja nauka grazhdanskogo prava (ponjatie, predmet, sostav i sistema) [Soviet Science of Civil Law (Concept, Subject Matter, Composition and System)] (1961) (in Russian). 
5. Kuznetsov V, Germenevtika i gumanitarnoe poznanie [Hermeneutics and Humanitarian Cognition] (Izd-vo MGU 1991) (in Russian). 
6. Malyhina V ta Kholodova O ta Akimova L, Metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen [Methodology of Scientific Research] (NUVHP 2016) (in Ukrainian). 
7. Shershenevich G, Nauka grazhdanskogo prava v Rossii [Civil Law Science in Russia] (Konsul’tant Pljus, Statut 2003) (in Russian). 

Edited books 
8. Bezklubyi I (zah red), Metodolohiia v pravi [Methodology in Law] (Hramota 2017) (in Ukrainian). 
9. Gadamer G, Istina i metod: osnovy filosofskoj germenevtiki [Truth and Method: Fundamentals of Philosophical Hermeneutics] (Progress 1988) (in Russian). 
10. Syryh V, Neoplatnye dolgi pozitivistskoj doktriny prava [Irredeemable Debts of the Positivist Doctrine of Law], t 1 (Alef-Press 2014) (in Russssian).

Translated books 
11. Gadamer G, Aktual’nost’ prekrasnogo [The Relevance of Beauty] (Malahova V per s angl poslesl, Iskusstvo 1991) (in Russian). 

12. Danylian O ta Dzoban O, Velyka ukrainska yurydychna entsyklopediia [Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia of Law], t 2 (Pravo 2017) (in Ukrainian). 

Journal articles 
13. Dzoban O ta Yarotskyi V, ‘Hermenevtychnyi metod u suchasnykh tsyvilistychnykh doslidzhenniakh: do pytannia pro dotsilnist zastosuvannia’ [‘Hermeneutic Method in Modern Civil-Law Studies: On the Usefulness of Application’] [2017] 2(21) Informatsiia i pravo 5 (in Ukrainian). 
14. Kuznietsova N, ‘Predmet i systema suchasnoho tsyvilnoho prava Ukrainy’ [‘Subject Matter and System of Modern Civil Law of Ukraine’] (2017) 5 Pravo Ukrainy 27 (in Ukrainian). 

Conference papers 
15. Dzeban’ A ta Jarockij V, ‘Obshhemetodologicheskie i jevristicheskie aspekty sovremennyh civilisticheskih issledovanij’ [‘General Methodological and Heuristic Aspects of Modern Civil-Law Studies’] v Zhornokuja Ju ta Slipchenko S (red), Metodologija issledovanija problem civilistiki: sbornik statey posvjashhonnyh pamjati prof. A. A. Pushkina Methodology of Researching Civil-Law Issues: Collected Articles Dedicated to the Memory of Professor A. A. Pushkin] (Pravo 2017) (in Russian).Thesis abstracts
16. Blud O, ‘Mova yak transtsendentsiia’ [‘Language as Transcendence’] (avtoref dys kand filos nauk, Kyiv nats un-t im T Shevchenka 2007) (in Ukrainian). 
17. Popova N, ‘Hermenevtychni praktyky i problema yikh filosofskoho osmyslennia’ [‘Hermeneutic Practices and Challenges of Their Philosophical Comprehension’] (avtoref dys kand filos nauk, Khark nats un-t im V N Karazina 2001) (in Ukrainian). 
18. Yurkevych O, ‘Hermenevtyka kulturnoi formy rozuminnia’ [‘Hermeneutics of the Cultural Form of Understanding’] (avtoref dys d-ra filos nauk, Khark nats un-t im V N Karazina 2005) (in Ukrainian). 

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