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Article Democracy and Local Self-Government: the Essence and Interdependence of Development

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of State Construction Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv Ukraine) ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1044-4372


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2019
Pages 195 - 211

Today, the reform of local self-government launched in 2014 is increasingly losing the pace of its implementation due to the factors which are both objective and subjective. One of the major factors restraining this reform is the imperfection of constitutional and legal regulation of relations in the local self-government area. This predetermines the need for a deeper analysis of the processes in the area of democracy and local self-government, as well as of the factors and obstacles which hinder their development in Ukraine.

The aim of the article is to study the essence of democracy and local self-government and their interrelation, and also to analyze the current situation with constitutional and legal regulation of local self-government in the mechanism of democracy, and to formulate conclusions, proposals and recommendations on the elimination of obstacles to its further development and on the main vectors for increasing its efficiency.

The constitutional categories “rule of the people”, “people’s sovereignty”, “local selfgovernment” are closely interrelated. As an explanation of their correlation, it is noted that local self-government is one of the main forms of implementation of people’s sovereignty. Local self-government owes its existence to the constituent rule of the people. It is the will of the people expressed via elections that makes the power of local self-government legitimate. Local self-government plays an important role in the democracy mechanism, and this stems primarily from the autonomy of its bodies as regards the system of State government bodies, and also from the absence of hierarchical subordination and the presence of a separate object of administration – issues of local importance. Local self-government bodies, being responsible to territorial communities, may pursue an independent policy and protect local interests, acting for this purpose within the framework of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, and by resorting to court, to restrain State government bodies from exceeding their authority. Assessing the efficiency of implementation of the democracy principle in Ukraine, we have to state that today the will of the people is deprived of legal means of manifestation, except for elections. For a long time, the Parliament is ignoring the introduction of specific mechanisms for the efficiency of democracy, and the people are not capable of making decisions at national and local referendums.

The current state of social development necessitates a radical upgrade of the constitutional and legal basis of the democracy mechanism. The people should be provided with the possibility to exercise their right to express their will with regard to the most important issues, namely: a) to determine and change constitutionally established order in Ukraine, in particular, the place and role of local self-government; b) to restrict public power by law; c) to stand against State power grab and usurpation by violence or other unconstitutional or illegal means by State government bodies and local self-government bodies, their officials, citizens or their associations; d) to demand that human rights and freedoms (the right of citizens to participate in administration of the State’s affairs, in the all-Ukrainian and local referendums) be implemented; e) to counteract the abolition or restriction of the right to exercise local self-government which is recognized and guaranteed in Ukraine; f) to own, use and dispose of the objects of the people’s ownership right, f) to control State government authorities and their officials.


Keywords rule of the people; democracy; constitutionally established order; local selfgovernment; constitutionalism; public power


Authored books

1. Bondar’ N, Grazhdanin i publichnaja vlast’: Konstitucionnoe obespechenie prav i svobod v mestnom samoupravlenii [Citizen and Public Power: Constitutional Provision for Rights and Freedoms in Local Self-Government] (Gorodec’ 2004) (in Russian).

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Edited and translated books

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Journal articles

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