Article | The Specifics of Legal Technique of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Head nauk Spivrobotnik viddilu theory and practice of legislative development Institute of Legislation Supremely for the sake of Ukraine Institute of Legislation Supremely for the sake of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 10 / 2019 |
Pages | 214 - 228 |
Annotation | Today, administrative law is going through the period of rapid development and gradually overspreads to new areas of public relations. The purpose to improve the procedure for drafting administrative provisions raises the need to turn to the legal technique which allows avoiding conflicts, duplication and other shortcomings. Given this, there are good reasons to consider compliance with the legal technique requirements of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences (CUoAO), with the use of quantitative indicators, as this will allow identifying pros and cons of such a regulation. Today the process of legal system reforms is underway in Ukraine; it has entailed the introduction of laws which should comply with requirements of the Constitution and other statutory instruments of Ukraine. The purpose of this article is to study the CUoAO legal technique. The author examines doctrinal approaches to the content of methods and means, and practical rules of legal technique, and shows that at the current stage, there is no universal definition of this concept in jurisprudence, and this raises the need for systematization of the existing approaches. It is proposed to review the CUoAO legal technique by singing out three groups: 1) study of the principles of law; 2) study of the rules; 3) quantitative indicators. The author comes to the conclusion that the CUoAO legal technique is based on legality, official nature, validity, preciseness, clarity, accuracy, and efficiency. A codified regulation meets such legal technique requirements as compliance with the layout, language, structural, and logic rules. In this connection, a document is regarded as having a drawback if it has no separate chapter which sets forth the terminology and explains the main definitions. CUoAO is based on the logical scheme which starts with the fixing of the fact of an administrative offense and ends with the procedure for complying with the rulings in such proceedings. The drawback of the legal technique is the presence of articles which have a great many of participial phrases and adverbial participial phrases, since this makes CUoAO use in practice much more difficult. A research of document quantitative indicators showed that the legislator paid the greatest attention to administrative offenses involving an infringement of the administration procedure, and in this context the text proper is characterized by a significant unevenness in terms of the structure of material.
Keywords | statutory regulation; the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences; administrative law; quantitative indicators; legal technique; legal regulation |
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