Article | Priorities of Administrative-Law Regulation of Ukraine’s State Policy for Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Context of the Newly Adopted National Security Strategy of Ukraine |
Authors |
Ph.D. in Law, doctoral student National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 10 / 2019 |
Pages | 250 - 266 |
Annotation | Currently, the fundamentals of the State policy for critical infrastructure protection (CIP), and much less the administrative-law status of the subjects exercising such protection, still remain unexplored. As a consequence, the current CIP system does not meet modern threats, and this creates the need for scientific support as well as for development of practical measures which can regulate the State’s policy in this area under administrative law. This is why the outlined issues are relevant now. The purpose of the article is to provide scientific substantiation for the content of priority vectors of the State’s CIP policy regulation under administrative law in the context of the adopted redraft of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine. The author emphasizes that there is an urgent need to improve the statutory regulations which in one way or another regulate legal relations within the CIP framework. The author also substantiates the need for establishing of CIP legislation which would represent a set of laws and other statutory regulations to regulate legal relations in the domain of infrastructure and to be the sources of a certain branch of law. Arguments are presented as regards the need for operationalization of legal sciences methodology with a view to formulating the vectors of CIP relations regulation under administrative law. The author makes a legal dogmatic, legal formal and logical semantic analysis of current legislation regulating public relations in this area. Conclusions are made concerning the priority vectors of regulation of the State CIP policy under administrative law. The author proposes the measures which could improve CIP legislation from the perspective of enhancing the efficiency of administrative-law regulation of the State’s policy in this area. In particular, the article contains scientifically justified proposals which should be taken into account and included in the text of the updated document on the National Security Strategy of Ukraine.
Keywords | the State policy of Ukraine; regulation under administrative law; critical infrastructure protection; the National Security Strategy of Ukraine |
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